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The latest issue of periodicals

The sixth continuous report of the CR´s participation in FP7
The submitted version of the continuous report is based on data from the E-CORDA v. 17 database, which was published by the European Commission (EC) in July 2014. This version of the database contains information about 25 053 FP7 and EURATOM projects and also about projects of the Joint Technological Initiatives (JTI).

Ergo, Vol. 10, No. 1 - January 2015
- Kučera Z., Vondrák T.: Key Enabling Technologies – basic comparison between EU and selected non-EU countries
- Kostić M.: R&D expenditure and thematic orientation of European investment in selected new EU member states
- Marek D.: Industry-science collaboration in joint projects: harvesting potential of the RDI Information System for targeted innovation policy