Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History

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Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History

Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1

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Mgr. Iva Lelková, Ph.D.

foto Mgr. Iva Lelková, Ph.D.

Work position: Research Fellow

Research fields of interest:
History of early modern period, intellectual history, history and philosophy of science, renaissance and early modern philosophy, visualizations of the historical data.

History of early modern period, history of ideas, history and philosophy of science, renaissance and early modern philosophy, visualizations of the historical data

místnostroom: 101a
telefontelephone: +420 221 183 311
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Education and academic qualification

2009/2010: Fulbright visiting researcher at Stanford University, CA, USA – 10 months research stay, work on dissertation, collaboration on the Stanford University project Mapping the Republic of Letters – supervisor Prof. Paula Findlen

2007: Program Aktion research grantee at the Vienna University, Austria – 2 months research stay, collaboration with Prof. Marianne Klemun

2006–2011: Ph.D. student at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Philosophy and History of Science. Dissertation thesis: "Athnasius Kircher (1602-1680) and his Influence in the Czech Lands", Supervisor Doc. PhDr. Jan Horský, Ph.D.

2004/2005: Program Erasmus, Konstanz University, Germany - 10 months study of philosophy and history, work on Master's thesis

2000–2006: Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Arts, Master in History and Philosophy, thesis: "John Wilkins (1614-1672), Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) and their Picture of the Universe".

Work experience

From 2014 - Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences
10/2010 - 2014: Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Postdoc working on the international project Cultures of Knowledge
2009/2010: Collaboration at the History Department on the project Mapping the Republic of Letters dealing with advanced visualization techniques for humanities, Stanford University, CA, USA

1/2008–10/2009: Research staff at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Faculty of Science, Charles University Prague, Project: Theoretical study of complex phenomena in physics, biology and social sciences

Research fields of interest

History of early modern period, history of ideas, history and philosophy of science, renaissance and early modern philosophy, visualizations of the historical data

Research Grants and Projects

one-year grant – Nové přístupy v bádání o J. A. Komenském (New approaches in research on J. A. Comenius), granted in the framework of regional collaboration between Czech Acemy of Sciences and  the Pardubice Region.
two–year grant GAUK 259164/2009, Měnící se obraz vědce jako sociálního typu v raném novověku (Changing Picture of a Scientist as a Social Type in Early Modern Period)


18. – 19. 2014, Squaring the Prague Circle of Mathematicians, The Practice of Scholarly Communication: Correspondence Networks between Central and Western Europe 1550-1700 (International conference, Philosophical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague).
29. 7. 2013, The Epistolary Networks of Jan Amos Comenius (1592-1670) and Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680), Digital Prosopographies Meeting (Workshop, St Anne's College, University of Oxford)
12. – 13. 11. 2012, Role andělských entit v díle Athanasia Kirchera a J. A. Komenského (Role of Angelic Entities in the Work of Athanasius Kircher and J. A. Comenius), Komenský – myslitel harmonie (Comenius - Thinker of Harmony) (Conference, Pardubice, Czech Republic)
26. – 29. 9. 2012, Intellectual Networks in Early Modern Czech Lands: Interactions between Correspondence Networks of Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) and Philipp Jacob Sachs von Lewenheim (1627-1672) in the Czech Lands, European Networks in the Baroque Era (Conference, Vienna-Josephinum)
16. 8. 2012, An Insider's View of Oxford's EMLO Union Catalogue, Skype presentation of Early Modern Letters Online database and the Cultures of Knowledge project for a 2-week Humanities + Design research workshop "Early Modern Time & Networks" organized by the Stanford University
16. - 18. 3. 2011, Iva Lelková and Suzanne Sutherland, Princes, Courtiers, and Scholars: Athanasius Kircher's Correspondence Network, 1632-1680, Mapping the Republic of Letters (Conference, Giorgio Cini Foundation, San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, Italy)
12. - 14. 3. 2010, Athanasius Kircher and his Jesuit Network, Columbia History of Science Group Annual Meeting at Friday Harbor Laboratories, WA, USAs


Winter term 2012/2013 Intelektuální dějiny – metody a východiska (Intellectual History – Methods and Recourses), seminar at Philosophical Faculty University of West Bohemia in Plzeň


Paula Findlen, Suzanne Sutherland, Iva Lelková, A Jesuit's Letters Athanasius Kircher at the Edges of his World, forthcoming.
Review of Oliva Sabuco de Nanted Barrera, The True Medicine, ed. and transl. Gianna Pomata, in: The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe: The Toronto Series, 4, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Toronto 2010, in: Acta Comeniana 27 (2013), v tisku.

Jan Amos Komenský a role andělských entit v jeho díle [John Amos Comenius and the role of angelic entities in his work], in: Věra Schifferová, Aleš Prázný, Kateřina Šolcová (eds.) Idea harmonie v díle Jana Amose Komenského [The Idea of Harmony in the Work of John Amos Comenius], Červený Kostelec 2014, pp. 137-150.
Literární žánr snu jako myšlenkový experiment raně novověké vědy [Genre of literary dream as an intellectual experiment of Early Modern Science],in: Dějiny vědy a techniky 2014 (3), pp. 141-151.
Review of Anna Marie Roos's book Web of Nature: Martin Lister (1639-1712), the first arachnologist, in: Acta Comeniana 26 (2012), pp. 232-236.
Study Philipp Jacob Sachs von Lewenheimb (1627-1672) and his Role within Intellectual Networks of the Czech Lands, in: Acta Comeniana 26 (2012), pp. 121-140.
V. Hladký, T. Hermann, I. Lelková (eds.), Zdeněk Horský: Copernicus and the Czech Lands, Červený Kostelec 2011.
Symbols and Alphabet: Athanasius Kircher, William Warburton and the Decipherment of Hieroglyphs, in: Kuděj, 2011/2, pp. 111-125.
The last Polymath? An Overview of the Literature on the Life and Work of Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680), in: Studia Comeniana et historica, 83-84/2010, XXXX, pp. 46-68.
Report: Mapping the Republic of Letters Project, in: DVT (History of Sciences and Technology Journal) XLIII, n. 3, Praha, 2010.
Philosophical Thoughts of Cyrano de Bergerac, in: Studia Comeniana et historica, 80/2008, XXXVIII, pp. 109-132.


Databáze korespondence Philippa Jakoba Sachse von Löwenheimb (1627-1672)[ Catalogue of Correspondence of Philipp Jakob Sachs of Löwenheimb (1627-1672)] The Cultures of Knowledge Project, Oxford 2014,, 26.11.2014.

Databáze korespondence Amanda Polana z Polansdorfu (1561-1610) [Catalogue of Correspondence of Amandus Polanus of Polansdorf (1561-1610)], The Cultures of Knowledge Project, Oxford 2014,, 26.11.2014

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