EI Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board of the Economics Institute is primarily responsible for supervising the activities and economy of EI and supervising utilization of the property of the workplace. It further may suggest withdrawal of the Director to the President of the CAS, provide its point of view on proposals for alterations to the founding charter, mergers, conjunctions, or divisions of the workplace, and provide input into proposals on the research targets and annual reports of the workplace.
The Chairman, the Vice Chairman and other members of the Supervisory Board are appointed and withdrawn by the Academic Board of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The Supervisory Board meets at least twice a year and currently consists of the following members:
PhDr. Taťána Petrasová, CSc. (Chair)
Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences
Ing. Petr Bobák, CSc.
Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences
Ing. Miroslav Singer, Ph.D.
Czech National Bank
Prof. Jan Švejnar, Ph.D.
Economics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
Prof. RNDr. Jan Ámos Víšek, CSc.
Charles University in Prague