Events at CERGE-EI

Thursday, 19 February, 2015 | 16:30 | Micro Theory Research Seminar

Prof. Martin Peitz (U. of Mannheim): “Media See-saws: Winners and Losers on Media Platforms”

Prof. Martin Peitz

University of Mannheim, Germany

Authors: Simon Anderson and Martin Peitz

Abstract: We analyze asymmetric oligopolistic media markets and uncover a see-saw effect. The impacts of market structure changes on the three groups -- advertisers, platforms, and consumers -- are tied together by a simple summary statistic. Changes in the market structure that make the consumer side worse off can make the advertiser side better off. Merger among ad-financed media is consumer-surplus decreasing, but can be advertiser-surplus increasing if ads are a nuisance, while consumers and advertisers suffer from a merger if consumers like ads.