PhDr. Lenka Kollerová (born Fráňová), Ph.D.
Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Hybernská 8, 110 00 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 221 403 906
Research Interests
Aggressive and prosocial behavior
Peer relations and moral development at school
Depressive symptoms and school achievement
2011 Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2004 PhDr., Department of Psychology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2003 MA, Department of Psychology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2002 Graduate exchange student in Psychology, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA
Professional Experience
2004 – now Researcher (since 2012 Postdoctoral Fellow), Institute of Psychology, AS CR
Research Projects and Awards
2015 - 2017 Research leader of the grant Defending victims of bullying: The longitudinal role of individual and group factors supported by the Czech Science Foundation.
2012 - 2014 Collaborator on the grant School bullying as a process - a social-cognitive analysis of classroom bullying supported by the Czech Science Foundation (n. P 407/12/2325)
2008 - 2010 Collaborator on the grant Ethical psychological factors of bullying and coping with it in the primary school supported by the Grant Agency of the AS CR (n. IAA 700250801)
2005 - 2007Research leader of the grant School underachievement within context of depressive symptoms in children aged 9-11 supported by the Czech Science Foundation (n. 406/05/0915)
2006 Best Poster Award at the 6th International Neuropsychiatry Congress: Sydney, 10. - 14. 2006
2003 Professor Matějček Foundation Prize for Excellent Diploma Thesis
Membership in professional associations
European Association for Developmental Psychology (EADP)
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
Kollerová, L., Janošová, P., Říčan, P. (in print). Moral motivation in defending classmates victimized by bullying. European Journal of Developmental Psychology.
Kollerová, L., Janošová, P., Říčan, P. (2014). Good and evil at school: Bullying and moral evaluation in early adolescence. Journal of Moral Education, 43(1), 18-31. Download from here.
Kollerová, L., Janošová, P., Říčan, P. (2014). Moral disengagement from bullying: The effects of gender and classroom. The New Educational Review, 37(3), 280-291.
Janošová, P., Kollerová, L., & Zábrodská, K. (2014). Školní šikana v současnosti – její definice a operacionalizace. Československá psychologie, 58(4), 368-377.
Kollerová, L., Janošová, P. (2011). Výzkum psychologických aspektů šikanování mezi žáky na základních školách v ČR. In A. Šimegová & M. Kováčová (Eds.), Šikanovanie v prostredí školy: možnosti prevencie a zvládani, pp. 119-133, Trnava: Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave.
Fráňová, L. (2010). Školní šikana z pohledu morální kognice: přehled vybraných poznatků. Československá psychologie, 54(2), 175-185.
Fráňová, L., Lukavský, J., Preiss, M. (2008). Relationship of Children’s Depression Inventory Factor Structure to School Achievement. Studia Psychologica, 50(4), 383-394.
Fráňová, L., Preiss, M. (2008). Školní známky ve vztahu k depresivní symptomatice, inteligenci a neuropsychologickým proměnným. Československá psychologie, 52(4), 321-337.
Fráňová, L., Lukavský, J., Preiss, M. (2006). Školní podvýkonnost a subjektivní míra depresivních symptomů. Československá psychologie, 50(6), 533-542.
Preiss, M., Fráňová, L. (2006). Depressive symptoms, academic achievement, and intelligence. Studia Psychologica, 48(1), 57-67.
Fráňová, L., (2004). Depresivní symptomatika ve věku 12-15 let - mezipohlavní rozdíly a další souvislosti. Československá psychologie, 48(6), 510-522.
Fráňová, L. (2004). Gender Difference in Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: Possible Explanations. Bulletin PsÚ, 10(1), 1-15.
Preiss, M., Motejlková, J., Janů, I., Kolárová, E., Fráňová L., Toman, J. (2004). Neuropsychologická zkouška vizuální paměti. Vodítka pro dětskou klinickou praxi. Psychiatrie, 8(Suppl. n. 3), 64-69.
Selected Conference Presentations
Kollerová, L. (2014, September). The Classroom Collective Moral Disengagement Scale: A Czech validation. 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence, Cesme, Turkey.
Janošová, P., Kollerová, L., Říčan, P. (2013, September). Class matters in moral disengagement. 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Kollerová, L., Janošová, P., & Říčan, P. (2012, October). How participants in bullying morally evaluate hypothetical bullies and defenders. Poster presented at the International Conference: Bullying and Cyberbullying: The Interface between Science and Practice, Vienna, Austria.
Kollerová, L., Preiss, M., & Janošová, P. (2012, August). Relations of neuropsychological functioning and depressive symptoms to school achievement in children, Psychology & Health. Roč. 27, Sup. 1 (2012), s. 250-251. Poster presented at the 26th Conference of European Health Psychology Society, Prague, Czech Republic.
Preiss, M., Fráňová, L. (2008, July). Academic achievement in relation to depressive symptomology, intelligence, and neuropsychological variables. Poster presented at the 29th International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
Fráňová, L. (2007, July). The Children's Depression Inventory in studying the relationship between depressive symptoms and school achievement. In V. Polišenská M. Šolc, & J. Kotrlová (Eds.), 10th European Congress of Psychology, 287 p., Prague, EFPA/UPA. 10th European Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.
Fráňová, L., Lukavský, J., Preiss, M. (2006, September). Academic underachievement and perceived level of depression. Poster presented at the 6th International Neuropsychiatry Congress, Sydney, Australia.