LOGICA 2013 Programme
L o g i c a 2013 - Tentative programme
(last updated: 7 June)
(last updated: 7 June)
Tuesday, 18 June |
Michiel van Lambalgen | Kant's Transcendental Logic = Geometric Logic |
Theodora Achourioti | Truth as Modality |
Petr Cintula, Carles Noguera | On the Role of Disjunction in the Theory of Consequence Relation |
Igor Sedlár | A General Framework for Logics of Justifications and Evidence |
Hans Rott, Sven Ove Hansson | Safe Contraction Revisited |
Jaroslav Peregrin | Logic and Reasoning |
John Kearns | First-person Logical Theories and Third-person Logical Theories |
Vít Punčochář | Two Modifications of Inquisitive Semantics |
Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson | Positive Introspection and Neo-infinitism |
Michal Dančák | The Logic of Hybrid Action Models |
André Fuhrmann | Knowability as Potential Knowledge |
Massimiliano Carrara, Daniele Chiffi | The Knowability Paradox in a Pragmatic Revision of Logic (KILP) |
Johan van Benthem | Logic and Epistemology: Opening Some New Windows |
Jens Ulrik Hansen | Modeling Truly Dynamic Epistemic Scenarios in a Partial Version of DEL |
Tomasz Polacik | Conservativity via Kripke Models |
David R. Gilbert, Paolo Maffezioli | Sequent Systems for Classical Modal Logics |
Manfred Kupffer | The Logic of Modal Metaframes |
afternoon session |
Gabriel Sandu | Truth and Probability in Game-theoretical Semantics |
Christian Fermüller | Many Values in Semantic Games |
John Cantwell | First Order Expressivist Logic, Redux |
Petr Švarný, Ondrej Majer, Michal Peliš | Erotetic Logics in Private Communication Protocol |
Paweł Łupkowski | Question Dependency in Terms of Compliance and Erotetic Implication |
Marie Duží, Jakub Macek, Lukáš Vích | Procedural Isomorphism and Synonymy |
Chris Fox | Curry-typed Semantics in Typed Predicate Logic |
Michael Dunn | The Genesis and Evolution of the Ternary Relational Semantics for Relevance Logic |
Francesco Berto | Dunn (In)Compatibility Semantics and Negation Pluralism |
Leandro Suguitani, Itala M.L. D'Ottaviano, Petrucio Viana | Arithmetics as a Framework for Logic |
Mario Piazza, Gabriele Pulcini | Strange Case of Dr. Soundness and Mr. Consistency |
Vittorio Morato | Validity and Actuality |
Volker Halbach | Self-reference in Arithmetic |
Peter Verdée | A Means to Safely Add Disjunctive Syllogism to Relevant Logic |
Peter Fritz, Jeremy Goodman | Higher-order Contingency |
Giacomo Turbanti | The Role of Perspectives in the Interpretation of Defeasibile Reasoning |
Johannes Marti, Riccardo Pinosio | Topological Semantics for Conditionals |
02-10-2013 09:49:56