LOGICA 2013 Programme

L o g i c a 2013 - Tentative programme

(last updated: 7 June)

Tuesday, 18 June
morning session

Michiel van Lambalgen Kant's Transcendental Logic = Geometric Logic
Theodora Achourioti Truth as Modality
Petr Cintula, Carles Noguera On the Role of Disjunction in the Theory of Consequence Relation
Igor Sedlár A General Framework for Logics of Justifications and Evidence
Hans Rott, Sven Ove Hansson Safe Contraction Revisited

afternoon session

Jaroslav Peregrin   Logic and Reasoning
John Kearns First-person Logical Theories and Third-person Logical Theories
Vít Punčochář Two Modifications of Inquisitive Semantics
Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson Positive Introspection and Neo-infinitism
 Michal Dančák The Logic of Hybrid Action Models 
André Fuhrmann Knowability as Potential Knowledge
Massimiliano Carrara, Daniele Chiffi The Knowability Paradox in a Pragmatic Revision of Logic (KILP)

Wednesday, 19 June
morning session

Johan van Benthem Logic and Epistemology: Opening Some New Windows
Jens Ulrik Hansen Modeling Truly Dynamic Epistemic Scenarios in a Partial Version of DEL
Tomasz Polacik Conservativity via Kripke Models
David R. Gilbert, Paolo Maffezioli Sequent Systems for Classical Modal Logics
Manfred Kupffer The Logic of Modal Metaframes

afternoon session

Gabriel Sandu Truth and Probability in Game-theoretical Semantics
Christian Fermüller Many Values in Semantic Games
John Cantwell First Order Expressivist Logic, Redux
Petr Švarný, Ondrej Majer, Michal Peliš Erotetic Logics in Private Communication Protocol
Paweł Łupkowski Question Dependency in Terms of Compliance and Erotetic Implication
Marie Duží, Jakub Macek, Lukáš Vích Procedural Isomorphism and Synonymy
Chris Fox Curry-typed Semantics in Typed Predicate Logic

Thursday, 20 June
morning session

Michael Dunn The Genesis and Evolution of the Ternary Relational Semantics for Relevance Logic
Francesco Berto Dunn (In)Compatibility Semantics and Negation Pluralism
Leandro Suguitani, Itala M.L. D'Ottaviano, Petrucio Viana Arithmetics as a Framework for Logic
Mario Piazza, Gabriele Pulcini Strange Case of Dr. Soundness and Mr. Consistency
Vittorio Morato Validity and Actuality

Friday, 21 June
morning session

Volker Halbach Self-reference in Arithmetic
Peter Verdée A Means to Safely Add Disjunctive Syllogism to Relevant Logic
Peter Fritz, Jeremy Goodman Higher-order Contingency
Giacomo Turbanti The Role of Perspectives in the Interpretation of Defeasibile Reasoning
Johannes Marti, Riccardo Pinosio Topological Semantics for Conditionals
02-10-2013 09:49:56