Logica 2014 programme


LOGICA 2014 Programme


Tuesday, June 17

morning session

 Dorothy Edgington  Conditionals and Truth Values: a New Approach
 Jacek Wawer and Leszek Wroński  A New Theory of Historical Counterfactuals
 Igor Sedlár  Action Models for Weak Relevant Logics
 Jesse Alama   Without E
 Dmitry Zaitsev  Logics of Generalized Classical Truth Values


afternoon session

 Noah Friedman-Biglin  From a Certain Point of View: Carnap's Tolerance and Friedman's Revenge
 Alexander Yates  Making Sense—Frege's Exposition of his Symbolism in the Grundgesetze
 Pavel Materna  Two Approaches to Philosophically Analyzing Language
 Thomas Meyer and Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem  A Non-Classical Logical Foundation for Naturalised Realism
 Manuel Gustavo Isaac  From Language to Calculus
 Thomas Brouwer  Prospects for a Cognitive Norm Account of Logical Consequence


Wednesday, June 18

morning session

 Graham Priest  Does Truth Detach?
 Bartosz Wcisło and Mateusz Łełyk  Models of Weak Theories of Truth
 Lorenzo Rossi  Adding a Conditional to Kripke's Theory of Truth
 Michał Tomasz Godziszewski  Yablo Sequences in Partial Truth Theories and Potentially Infinite Models
 Martin Pleitz  Beyond Contradiction: Curry's Paradox and Priest's Inclosure Schema


afternoon session

 Filippo Casati and Naoya Fujikawa  The Complement of the Totality: A Paraconsistent Mereological Approach
 Roberto Ciuni  Disjunction in Disguise. Conjunction in Paraconsistent Weak Kleene
 Stewart Shapiro  Points, Regions, Contact, and Other Matters Metaphysical 
 Hitoshi Omori  Distinguished World, Dual Intuitionistic Negation and Empirical Negation
 Michal Dančák  The Intuitionistic Robinson Arithmetic(s)
 Vítězslav Švejdar  On Strong Fragments of Peano Arithmetic


Thursday, June 19

morning session

 Göran Sundholm  Assumptions
 Gil Sagi  Extensionality and Logicality
 Marie Duží  How to Validly Quantify into Hyperintensional Non-Propositional Attitudes
 Massimiliano Carrara and Bjørn Jespersen  Iterated Privation and Non-Boolean Negation
 Peter Milne  Structures, Homomorphisms, and the Needs of Model Theory


Friday, June 20

morning session

 Dag Prawitz  A Fusion of Gentzen's and Heyting's Ideas about Proofs
 Yacin Hamami  Poincaré and Prawitz on Mathematical Induction
 Hidenori Kurokawa  The Principle of Reflection via Nested Sequents
 Luis Estrada-González  Fifty (More or Less) Shades of Logical Consequence
 Yoshihiro Maruyama  Diagonal and the Edge of Consistency: A New Perspective
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