Logica 2014 programme
LOGICA 2014 Programme
Tuesday, June 17 morning session |
Dorothy Edgington | Conditionals and Truth Values: a New Approach |
Jacek Wawer and Leszek Wroński | A New Theory of Historical Counterfactuals |
Igor Sedlár | Action Models for Weak Relevant Logics |
Jesse Alama | Without E |
Dmitry Zaitsev | Logics of Generalized Classical Truth Values |
afternoon session |
Noah Friedman-Biglin | From a Certain Point of View: Carnap's Tolerance and Friedman's Revenge |
Alexander Yates | Making Sense—Frege's Exposition of his Symbolism in the Grundgesetze |
Pavel Materna | Two Approaches to Philosophically Analyzing Language |
Thomas Meyer and Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem | A Non-Classical Logical Foundation for Naturalised Realism |
Manuel Gustavo Isaac | From Language to Calculus |
Thomas Brouwer | Prospects for a Cognitive Norm Account of Logical Consequence |
Wednesday, June 18 morning session |
Graham Priest | Does Truth Detach? |
Bartosz Wcisło and Mateusz Łełyk | Models of Weak Theories of Truth |
Lorenzo Rossi | Adding a Conditional to Kripke's Theory of Truth |
Michał Tomasz Godziszewski | Yablo Sequences in Partial Truth Theories and Potentially Infinite Models |
Martin Pleitz | Beyond Contradiction: Curry's Paradox and Priest's Inclosure Schema |
afternoon session |
Filippo Casati and Naoya Fujikawa | The Complement of the Totality: A Paraconsistent Mereological Approach |
Roberto Ciuni | Disjunction in Disguise. Conjunction in Paraconsistent Weak Kleene |
Stewart Shapiro | Points, Regions, Contact, and Other Matters Metaphysical |
Hitoshi Omori | Distinguished World, Dual Intuitionistic Negation and Empirical Negation |
Michal Dančák | The Intuitionistic Robinson Arithmetic(s) |
Vítězslav Švejdar | On Strong Fragments of Peano Arithmetic |
Thursday, June 19 morning session |
Göran Sundholm | Assumptions |
Gil Sagi | Extensionality and Logicality |
Marie Duží | How to Validly Quantify into Hyperintensional Non-Propositional Attitudes |
Massimiliano Carrara and Bjørn Jespersen | Iterated Privation and Non-Boolean Negation |
Peter Milne | Structures, Homomorphisms, and the Needs of Model Theory |
Friday, June 20 morning session |
Dag Prawitz | A Fusion of Gentzen's and Heyting's Ideas about Proofs |
Yacin Hamami | Poincaré and Prawitz on Mathematical Induction |
Hidenori Kurokawa | The Principle of Reflection via Nested Sequents |
Luis Estrada-González | Fifty (More or Less) Shades of Logical Consequence |
Yoshihiro Maruyama | Diagonal and the Edge of Consistency: A New Perspective |
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