Mgr. Štěpán Stočes
postgraduate students
ueb [dot] cas [dot] cz
Šlechtitelů 31, 783 71 Olomouc - Holice, Czech Republic
Bc., Faculty of Science, Palacký University, Olomouc (2009), Molecular and Cell Biology
M.Sc., Faculty of Science, Palacký University, Olomouc (2011), Molecular and Cell Biology
2011 – present Postgraduate students, Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics, Institute of Experimantal Botany, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Research interests
2009 - Role of transporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis growth responses to auxin
2011 - Genome analysis of forage and turf grasses using DArT markers
2011 - present - Study on gene expression in intergeneric grass hybrids
Fellowship abroad
2012 - The Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Gent, Belgium (1months)
2013 - The Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Gent, Belgium (1,5 months)
2014 - present - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH), Scientific Exchange Programme between the New Member States of the EU and Switzerland (10 months)
Other publications
Hlouskova, Petra; Stoces, Stepan; Borucka, Jana; et al. (2013) COP1 is a mediator of cross-talk between boron and auxin in hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis. Current Opinion in Biotechnology Volume: 24 Pages: S121 Published: JUL 2013
Stoces, Stepan; Karlicka, Marie; Fellner, Martin (2012) Boron and blue light reduce responsiveness of Arabidopsis hypocotyls to exogenous auxins. Plant Growth Regulation Volume: 66 Issue: 3 Pages: 293-301 Published: APR 2012
All User Publications:
Kopecký, D., Martis, M., Číhalíková, J., Hřibová, E., Vrána, J., Bartoš, J., Kopecká, J., Cattonaro, F., Stočes, Š., Novák, P., Neumann, P., Macas, J., Šimková, H., Studer, B., Asp, T., Baird, J.H., Navrátil, P., Karafiátová, M., Kubaláková, M., Šafář, J., Mayer, K., Doležel, J.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 163, 1323-1337, 2013
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