Shaalan MA., Shalaby EE., El-Sayed AA., Said M.
Nile Valley and Red Sea Regional Program (NVRP) Eight Annual Coordination Meeting (Cairo) Egypt 16-21 September 1996
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is an important cereal crop in Egypt, especially in the marginal areas. This due to the ability of the crop to cope with the stress environment in such areas, i.e. rainfed and newly reclaimed lands. These areas suffer, mainly, from moisture stress and nutrient deficiencies ( El-Sayed and Abd El-hadi, 1991a; El-Sayed et al., 1991b; and El-Sayed and Noaman, 1992 ). Increasing fertilizer costs and the increasing interests in non-pollutant environment led to the strong belief in biological N2-fixation and the use of biofertilizers. In addition, inoculating seeds with biofertilizers is easier and less costs than the mineral fertilizers, especially under rainfed conditions, where the farmers were used to grow the crop without any fertilization in order to minimize the production cost. Intensive research on asymbiotic nitrogen fixation has concentrated on the positive side of the plant-microbe relationship in an effort to increase plant growth and grain yield. Several reports have indicated that the inoculation of seeds or seedling of various C3 and C4 plants with associative N2-fixing bacteria led to changes in plant growth and sometimes to yield increases ( Dobereiner and Day, 1975; Van Bulow and Dobereiner, 1975; Eid, 1982; and Pohlman and McColl, 1982). In Egypt Eid et al., 1986 studied the response of the common local wheat and barley cultivars to the inoculation with the associative N2-fixing bacteria at two experimental stations; Sids and El-Gemmaiza. They reported that barley cultivar Giza 121 and wheat cultivar Giza 155 increased by 67 and 45%, respectively, compared to the un-inoculated control. The objective of this study therefore was to investigate the effects of some biofertilizers and the effects of the interaction between biofertilizer and mineral fertilizers on barley.
IEB authors: Mahmoud Said