Archiv aktualit
Hejnice , 15 – 19 June 2015
The Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy, The Czech Academy of Sciences, announces LOGICA 2015, the 29th in the series of annual international symposia devoted to logic, to be held at Hejnice, 15 – 19 June 2015.
Invited speakers are Patricia Blanchette, Walter Carnielli, Melvin Fitting, and Peter Milne.
The guidelines for submissions can be found at
The deadline is 15 February 2015. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by the end of March.
For more information see PDF.
- Zveřejněno 14. 1. 2015
CFP Ethics of play
Prague, November 18-20, 2014
Keynote speakers: Bonnie Mann, Mechthild Nagel, Emily Ryall, Monica Vilhauer
Submissions: Please send your 200-word proposals for 20-minute-long presentations to the following e-mail address: , no later than June 30, 2014.
For more information click here or visit the website.
- Zveřejněno 27. 3. 2014
CFP Phenomenal Consciousness in the Physical World
Prague, June 2-4, 2014
Keynote speaker: Galen Strawson
Abstracts are invited of 500-1000 words for contributions in English of roughly 30 minutes to either of these two sections. Inquiries and abstracts should be sent to this address by March 5th, 2014: .
For more information click HERE.
- Zveřejněno 29. 1. 2014
Gnothi seauton – No Paper Conference
Prague, October 24-27, 2014
The conference will focus on: 1) Reflections on the relationship between self-knowledge and knowledge in philosophy and performance; 2) A deconstruction of commonplace academic conference-based interactions in order to search for the relationship between performative and content components of philosophical expression.
We would like to open a free space for a variety of expression formats, and for an experimental dimension of the event.
The conference will consist of two sections – one Czech and one English.
Návrhy na 20- až 60-minutové příspěvky, které mají vztah k tématu konference, zasílejte laskavě na adresu a to nejpozději do 30. února 2014.
Please send your proposals for 20- to 60-minute-long presentations associated with the conference's theme to the following e-mail address: , no later than March 15, 2014.
Bližší informace o konferenci naleznete ZDE.
For more information click HERE.
Website of the conference:
- Zveřejněno 29. 1. 2014
Mind and Language: Franz Brentano's Legacy in Prague. Commemorating the Centenary of the Death of Anton Marty (1847-1914)
Prague, May 14-16, 2014
Keynote Speaker: Kevin Mulligan (University of Geneva)
CFP: There are a few slots reserved for contributed papers. Please send your submission through Easychair:
For more information click HERE.
- Zveřejněno 7. 1. 2014
Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 50, 2014
International journal of classics and its reception Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina, published by the Institute for Classical Studies, part of the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague announces call for papers for its 50th volume which will be published at the end of 2014. For manuscript submission guidelines and more, please visit the web page of the journal here.
- Zveřejněno 4. 1. 2014
Hejnice , 16 – 20 June 2014
The Department of Logic, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, announces LOGICA 2014 the 28th in the series of annual international symposia devoted to logic, to be held at Hejnice (in northern Bohemia, about 2.5 hours from Prague) 16 – 20 June 2014.
Invited speakers are Dorothy Edgington, Dag Prawitz, Graham Priest and Göran Sundholm.
Members of the Logica 2014 Programme Committee are: Theodora Achourioti, Francesco Berto, Petr Cintula, Michael Dunn, Dorothy Edgington, Christian Fermüller, Volker Halbach, Gary Kemp, Vojtěch Kolman, Carles Noguera, Jaroslav Peregrin, Dag Prawitz, Graham Priest, Hans Rott, Gabriel Sandu, Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson, Gila Sher, Sonja Smets, and Göran Sundholm.
The guidelines for submissions can be found at
The deadline is 15 February 2014. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by the end of March.
For more information see PDF
- Zveřejněno 28. 11. 2013
Karel Kosík and Dialectics of the Concrete
Prague, 4– 6 June 2014
A conference organised by the Department for the Study of Modern Czech Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The conference will be conducted in English. Proposals – including a title and an abstract of 100 – 200 words – should be sent by 31 December 2013 to . Submissions must be in .doc or .rtf format. Notice of acceptance will be sent by 30 January 2014. A conference fee of 100 Euros (60 Euros for students) will cover the costs of organising the conference (including conference accessories and coffee breaks). Details about the method of payment will be announced after abstract acceptance. The conference proceedings will be published as a book in 2015.
Organisers: Ivan Landa, Jan Mervart, Joseph Grim Feinberg
International Organising Committee: Johann P. Arnason, Peter Hudis, Joseph G. Feinberg, Ivan Landa, Michael Löwy, Jan Mervart, Francesco Tava
- Zveřejněno 30. 4. 2013
Marxisticko-křesťanský dialog v Československu
Oddělení pro studium moderní české filosofie Filosofického ústavu AV ČR, v. v. i., pořádá ve dnech 23. a 24. října 2013 konferenci „Marxisticko-křesťanský dialog v Československu".
Vítány jsou příspěvky napříč humanitními obory, které pojednají některá z následujících témat:
• osobnosti a historie marxisticko-křesťanského dialogu v Československu (a ve střední Evropě)
• marxistická kritika křesťanství – kritika marxismu z pozic křesťanství
• spojnice mezi marxismem a křesťanstvím
• podoby ateismu, funkce náboženství a církví v moderní společnosti, fenomén sekularizace
• emancipace člověka a problematika odcizení
• teologie, věda, ideologie
Předpokládaný čas na příspěvek je až 30 min. Pořadatelé mohou délku příspěvku upravit podle definitivní koncepce programu, zejména podle konečného počtu přihlášených účastníků.
Přihlášku obsahující název příspěvku spolu s anotací lze zasílat nejpozději do 31. 8. 2013 na mail: .
Organizace: Ivan Landa ( ), Jan Mervart ( )
- Zveřejněno 30. 4. 2013