Saturday, 7 02 2015

Last update06.02 15:23

Image of political Parties

As a part of a March survey there was a question focused on a way , how voters perceive 4 long-term strongest political Parties. There were chosen some criterions, that represent both concrete programme aspects and general characteristics of activity made by Parties at political stage. There were not detected outstanding differences among evaluation of every single Party, particularly at negative statement „ it deals only with how to gain power“. This statement is particularly connected with all Parties. (All Parties are agreed to share it at range 64% - 74%).The statement „ it solves problems deliberatively“ was in similar situation, people agreed with it (26-36%).

Statement „ it often causes worthless conflicts“ is attributed mostly to KDU ČSL(60%), Almost same absolute share of respondents (55-56%) stated conflict Parties to be ČSSD and ODS. Only 38 % of respondents regarded KSČM as a conflict Party.

On the other way the Parties were most diversely evaluated according to their support of entreprise field and programme focused on socially weak classes.

According to results of survey it is obvious, that ODS is comparatively best evaluated Party at present. Respondents often supposed it to be a Party,that supports progress in enterprise field (65%), members of ODS are outstanding political personalities(63%), ODS is a guaranty of democratic conditions (50%), they can arrange interests of Czech Republic abroad (48%) and it has programme for help to economic growth (42%).

ČSSD is strongly perceived as a Party, that focuses its programme on socially weak(52%). The other statements (it has outstanding political personalities and it is

a guaranty of democratic conditions) were both supported by 41 % of respondents, so ODS is followed by ČSSD.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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