L´Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science 2013

24 May 2013
This year, the stipend program L´Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science, which already for the seventh year supports the work of gifted Czech female scientists, awarded seminal research projects from the areas of medicine and mathematics. Three-quarters of a million korunas were divided by Ing. Lubomíra Balková, Ph.D. (application of combinatorics in cryptology, practical use e.g. in the protection of credit cards), PharmDr. Martina Čečková, Ph.D. (medicinal transporters protecting the foetus from toxic substances) and MUDr. Eva Froňková, Ph.D. (early diagnosis of immunity defects). You can find detailed information in the press release.
An Exotic Conifer Helps Destroy Cancer Cells

9 May 2013
A discovery by Czech molecular geneticists
Some scientists compare the search for an effective medicine against cancer, which would besides the successful elimination of cancer cells if possible not have any, or at least minimal, side effects for the organism, to the search for the Holy Grail. Unlike Indiana Jones, who in the film The Last Crusade actually found the Holy Grail, the scientific community had not had such luck as of yet. A distinct shift towards this dreamt-of goal could be the discovery by researchers from the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of the ASCR, which was published recently in the online version of the international journal Apoptosis (see the abstract).
The gas explosion on Monday in Prague has severely affected the building of the Academy of Sciences

9 May 2013
The neo-Renaissance historical building of the Academy of Sciences of the CR was severely damaged on the morning of 29 April 2013 in connection with the gas explosion, which occurred in Divadelní Street on the ground floor of the building across from the side section of the Academy. A massive pressure wave shattered the window panes and damaged the interiors of not only the whole length of the building from the side of Divadelní Street but also broke the glass of the windows towards Krocinova Street, towards the courtyard and some towards Národní třída (National Avenue). The explosion inflicted the greatest damage, the amount of which is estimated at CZK 10 million, in the Library and Head Office of the Academy of Sciences.
L'Oréal-UNESCO Awards For Women in Science 2014

26 Apr 2013
Manipulation of nanoscale magnetic films by light

22 Apr 2013
European science journalists in the Czech Academy

21 Mar 2013
Academic bulletin headed by Editor-in-chief Marina Hužvárová (the Czech EUSJA representative) organized the EUSJA General Assembly, which was held in Prague on March 13–17, 2013. A group of journalists from 22 European countries visited the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and also the Lysolaje Campus for two-day Study Trip. During the first day they were shown around the Academy of Sciences Library and were given a lecture of popularization activities in the Centre of Administration and Operations of ASCR. The tour was closed with an evening concert in the beautiful setting of the Czech Museum of Music.
Prof. Jiří Drahoš has been appointed President of the ASCR for another term

13 Feb 2013
Open letter to the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy

26 Oct 2012
Professor Antonín Holý, the discoverer of new antiviral drugs, has died

17 Jul 2012
Israeli Nobel Laureates Visited Prague

30 May 2012
Four laureates of the Nobel Prize from Israel – Ada Yonath (Weizmann Instiute, Rehovot, Nobel Prize 2009), Aaron Ciechaonover (Technion, Nobel Prize 2004), Avram Hershko (Rappaport Institute, Haifa, Nobel Prize 2004) and Dan Schechtman (Technion, Nobel Prize 2011) – visited Prague on the last days of May. They attended the conference Prague Nobel Get-Together at Prague’ National Technical Library (30–31 May), which was jointly arranged by the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the ASCR, The Academy of Sciences of the CR and the Embassy of the State of Israel in the CR. Besides the Nobel Prize laureates, also other significant personalities from the fields of chemical biology, material sciences and structural biology appeared within this event.