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Name Jaklová Dytrtová Jana
Position Scientist
Jana Jaklová Dytrtová, Ph.D.

Jana Jaklová Dytrtová, Ph.D.


Mass Spectrometry Group
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, v.v.i.
Flemingovo nám. 2, CZ-166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Phone: (+420) 220 183 347


2004-2007 Ph.D. study, Department of Agro-Environmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
2001-2007 Forest Engineering, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
1998-2004 RNDr., Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.
1998-2003 Biology & Arts, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague.
Since 2009 IOCB AV CR, Prague, Czech Republic.
2009 (3 months) Inviting lectures on electrochemistry at the University of Helsinki, Finland.
Since 2008 Senior teacher and research scientist, Bioavailability of heavy metals. Department of Agro-Environmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
2006-2008 Research scientist and junior teacher, Plant availability of heavy metals in soil. Department of Agro-Environmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
2005-2006 Fellow at Polytechnic University of Valencia, School of Agricultural Engineering (bioavailability of heavy metals).
August 2004 International training concerning alternative energy resources, Technical University of Sophia, Bulgaria.
2003-2004 Researcher, Study of phospholipids monolayer on ITES (Prof. V. Mareček). J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, ASCR, v.v.i., Prague.
2001-2003 Researcher, Neurochemistry of epilepsy (Prof. P. Mareš). Institute of Physiology, ASCR, v.v.i., Prague.
July 2001 International training. "Expedition Krym", Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.
Research interest

Study of complexes of biologically active compounds with multivalent cations and their interaction with phospholipids and biological membranes. Development of hyphenation of electrochemical methods with mass spectrometry.

Selected publications

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Šestáková I., Jakl M., Navrátil T.:
Electrochemical detection of cadmium and lead complexes with low molecular weight organic acids.
Electroanalysis 21: 573-579, 2009.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Šestáková I., Jakl M., Száková J., Miholová D., Tlustoš P.:
The use of differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry and diffusive gradient in thin films for heavy metals speciation in soil solution.
Central European Journal of Chemistry 6: 71-79, 2008.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Kolihová D., Miholová D., Tlustoš P.:
The effect of low-molecularweight organic acids on cadmium assay using diffusive gradient in thin film technique.
Chemické Listy 103: 401-406, 2009.

Jakl M., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Miholová D., Kolihová D., Száková J., Tlustoš P.:
Position of passive diffusion methods in assessment of Cd and Pb accumulation by plants in hydroponic system.
Chem. Speciation Bioavail 21: 111 - 120, 2009.

Navrátil T., Šestáková I., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Mareček Navrátil T., Šestáková I., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Mareček V,:
Study of charged particles transport across model and real phospholipid bilayers.
WSEAS Trans. Environ. Dev. 6: 208 - 219, 2010.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Schröder D., Čadková E., Komárek M.:
Complexation between the fungicide tebuconazole and copper(II) probed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 25: 1037 - 1042, 2011.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Schröder D., Navrátil T.:
Electrochemical and spectrometric detection of low-molecular-weight organic acids and their complexes with metals.
Curr. Org. Chem. 15: 2970 - 2982, 2011.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Šestáková I., Zins E.-L., Schröder D., Navrátil T.:
A new approach to study cadmium complexes with oxalic acid in soil solution.
Anal. Chim. Acta 693: 100 - 105, 2011.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Navrátil T., Mareček V.:
Phospholipid layer stabilization via Yb(III) on ITIES and facilitated K(I) transport.
Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 76: 1917 - 1930, 2011.

Kuneš I., Koňasová T., Balcar V., Baláš M., Zahradník D., Kacálek D., Vítámvás J., Jakl M., Jaklová Dytrtová J.:
Growth response of Alnus viridis to application of crushed limestone and amphibolite and forestry potential of the species in harsh acidic mountain sites.
J. For. Sci. 57: 200 - 209, 2011.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Schröder D.:
Complexation of malic acid with cadmium(II) probed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
Talanta 90C: 63 - 68, 2012.

Kuneš I., Baláš M., Koňasová T., Zahradník D., Balcar V., Špulák O., Kacálek D., Jakl M., Jaklová Dytrtová J.:
Cultivation of speckled alder under harsh mountain conditions.
J. For. Sci. 58: 234 - 244, 2012.

Norková R., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Schröder D.:
Formation of tebuconazole complexes with cadmium(II) investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 223: 2633 - 2640, 2012.

Nováková K., Navrátil T., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Chýlková, J.:
Use of copper solid amalgam electrode for determination of triazolic fungicide tebuconazole..
Jetřichovice 2012.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Dytrtová R. :
Cognitive process of teaching and learning of chemistry.
Media4U. 223: x4-36, 2012.

Nováková K., Navrátil T., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Chýlková J.:
Application of copper solid amalgam electrode for determination of fungicide tebuconazole.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 8: 1-16, 2013.

Parisová M., Navrátil T., Šestáková I., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Mareček V.:
Influence of low molecular weight organic acids on transport of cadmium and copper ions across model phospholipid membranes.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science 8: 27 - 44, 2013.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Navrátil T., Schröder D. :
A hyphenation of stripping voltammetry with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry; an effect of sodium perchlorate on ferrocene oxidation.
International Journal of Electrochemical Science: accepred, 2013.

Jaklová Dytrtová J., Jakl M., Schröder D., Norková R.:
In-situ generation of copper cations and complexation with tebuconazole in a hyphenation of electrochemistry with mass spectrometry.
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry: accepred, 2013.