Saturday, 7 02 2015

Last update06.02 15:23

Economic Consequences of Entry of the CZ to the EU and Interest in Working in Other Member States

After entering the EU, the Czech public expects that changes for the worse in the social and economic sectors are more likely than not. The only exception in the areas monitored in the survey is represented in this aspect by wages, which are more often expected to grow by people (35 %), than to drop (11 %) after entering the EU. The negative expectations clearly dominate in the price area, whether it concerns grocery (82 % anticipate price increases), energy prices (74 %), land (71 %) or public transport (60 %). More likely negative impacts are seen in relation to unemployment, tax burden and the amount of social benefits. Currently, about one third (33 %) of the citizens over 15 years of age has a certain interest in working in another country of the European Union. 15 % of respondents expressed a larger or smaller intention to actively look for a job beyond the borders of the CZ and another 18 % of respondents said that they would be interested in a specific job offer from the EU, however they themselves did not intend to actively search for a job outside the CZ.


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