Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

FZÚ v médiích

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YouTube, 27.12.2014.

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ČT24, Hydepark Civilizace, 6.12.2014.

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Vector - like Technicolor at the LHC

Seminář Pondělí, 28.04.2014 14:00

Přednášející: Roman Pasechnik (Lund University, Švédsko)
Místo: Přednáškový sál v budově FZÚ AV ČR, Na Slovance 2, Praha 8
Jazyk: anglicky
Pořadatelé: Sekce fyziky elementárních částic


"I will discuss a new microscopic model for high-scale strongly-coupled dynamics in its simplest possible formulation based upon a single vector-like SU(2)W T-quark doublet (with hypercharge YQ = 0) confined under the minimal SU(2)TC (in principle, any even) T-color group. Besides it naturally avoids stringent EW constraints at the fundamental level and may explain possible (small) deviations in Higgs couplings, it provides dynamical EW symmetry breaking via an effective Higgs mechanism. I will outline interesting theoretical and phenomenological opportunities related with lightest physical T-pion, T-sigma and T-baryon states in the considering scenario. In particular, I will illustrate why an odd QCD-like SU(2n+1)TC group of confinement has been excluded by XENON100 data on spin-independent Dark Matter cross section if the T-baryon number is conserved. Scalar T-baryon Dark Matter in the simplest even SU(2)TC group offers a prominent way out and distinctive collider signatures. Possible ways to construct composite Higgs doublets in the vector-like Technicolor and its LHC phenomenology will be discussed in detail."


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