Parlange, F., Oberhaensli, S., Breen, J., Platzer, M., Taudien, S., Šimková, H., Wicker, T., Doležel, J., Keller, B.
11 (4):
Klíčová slova:
Blumeria graminis . BAC library . BAC-end sequences . Transposable elements
Powdery mildew of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
is caused by the ascomycete fungus Blumeria graminis f.sp.
tritici. Genomic approaches open new ways to study the
biology of this obligate biotrophic pathogen. We started the
analysis of the Bg tritici genome with the low-pass
sequencing of its genome using the 454 technology and
the construction of the first genomic bacterial artificial
chromosome (BAC) library for this fungus. High-coverage
contigs were assembled with the 454 reads. They allowed
the characterization of 56 transposable elements and the
establishment of the Blumeria repeat database. The BAC
library contains 12,288 clones with an average insert size of
115 kb, which represents a maximum of 7.5-fold genome
coverage. Sequencing of the BAC ends generated 12.6 Mb
of random sequence representative of the genome. Analysis
of BAC-end sequences revealed a massive invasion of
transposable elements accounting for at least 85% of the
genome. This explains the unusually large size of this
genome which we estimate to be at least 174 Mb, based on
a large-scale physical map constructed through the fingerprinting
of the BAC library. Our study represents a crucial
step in the perspective of the determination and study of the
whole Bg tritici genome sequence.
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Autoři z ÚEB: Jaroslav Doležel,
Hana Šimková