For journalists

The newly built Nanotechnology Laboratory was officially opened on March 14, 2013. The celebration was attended by the Chairman of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic prof. Jiří Drahoš and the Vice-Chairman prof. Miroslav Tuma.
07.11.2012 to 09.11.2012


Ve dnech 7.-9. 11. 2012 v rámci akce "Týden vědy a techniky" proběhly na našem ústavu Dny otevřených dveří.



Laboratoř optických vláken se v sobotu 9.6.2012 mezi 19. a 1. hodinou ranní zúčastnila doprovodné akce "Věda a technika v srdci Dejvic" pořádané v Národní technické knihovně v rámci Pražská muzejní noci 2012.

For achievements in optical biosensing, Assoc. Prof. Jiří Homola, Ph.D., DSc. was elected SPIE Fellow.
The new chairman of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Ing. Jiří Čtyroký, DrSc. was elected on sixth October 2011.
RNDr. Hana Vaisocherová, Ph.D., a fellow researcher from the department of optical sensors, was granted one of prestigious scholarships from the L'Oréal company for "Women in Science" in 2011. Her project is called "Trap Shuts in a Few Minutes".
RNDr. Radan Slavík, PhD., DSc., a scientist in the photonics field, received a special Achievement award of the chairman of GA ČR for his project "Tunable active fiber components based on long-period fiber grids".
16th May, 2010 marks an important anniversary - 50 years since Theodor Maiman lit up the first laser ever.
The Czech-Austrian experiment focused on comparing the time of atomic clocks in Prague and Vienna using a fiber optic link.
Open doors day of our institute took place from 7th - 9th November, 2012 in connection to the Week of Science and Technology which is organized annually by the Academy of sciences of the CR.


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