Academic bulletin 02/2008
We introduce the comments of the last four directors of Academy institutes, who were asked these three questions: In which direction will they lead the development of their institutes? What are they doing to achieve excellence in science? How will they evaluate the work in accordance with the new statutes governing Public Research Institution? The rubric was very successful and we would like to express our thanks to all the directors who were willing to provide us their responses to our questions.
The beginning of communistic regime in Czechoslovakia
we recall the sixtieth anniversary of the communist putsch in Czechoslovakia. On 25 February, the Communist Party seized control of government of Czechoslovakia and its totalitarian regime was dominant until the Velvet Revolution in 1989.
The Communicating Vessels Letná – Klementinum
Czech scientists and pedagogues made common meeting to discuss the perspectives of National Library and Clementinum. In an Open Letter to the Czech government and to Prague's chief magistrate, they suggested being concerned about the future of Clementinum without its overshadowing National Library.
Center of Cell Therapy and Tissue Repair
The aim of the Center is to focus on selected branches of basic research in developmental biology, biocompatible polymer synthesis, neuroscience and transplant surgery into one organic whole. This scan serve as an experimental foundation for cell therapy and tissue repair research on a level qualitatively comparable to research in the developed countries of the EU and the USA.
BIOCEV: modern center for scientists
Representatives of the Academy of Science of Czech Republic and Charles University have subscribed to the Founding Contract of the Biotechnological and Biomedical Center (BIOCEV) that will be situated in the vicinity of Vestec.
Central European Synchrotron Laboratory – CESLAB
The ASCR proposes to construct an electron synchrotron as one of the projects made possible from the Structural Funds of the EU. An electron synchrotron is the most universally usable type of accelerator, constituting an intensive source of light with unique features. Data provided by synchrotrons are important for the competitiveness of future industry in the EU.
Evaluation of Ecosystem Services
Realizing the comity of the environment, ASCR sponsored a seminar on Evaluation of Ecosystem Services. The term ecosystem services refers to the benefits from the natural systems that support human life. Czech experts of the environment discussed the difficulty of evaluating this system, its methods and results.
New Marie Curie Actions: COFUND and IRSES
The European Community offers two more new actions which Marie Curie implemented for the first time on 2008. These are COFUND (Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes) and IRSES (International Research Staff Exchange Scheme).