RNDr. Jana Vobecká, Ph.D.

Jana Vobecká
(+420) 210 310 581

Curriculum vitae

  • 2010 Ph.D., Demography, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France and Faculty of Sciences, Charles University in Prague
  • 2004 Master, Demography, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University in Prague
  • 2003 Bachelor, Demography and Sociology, Faculty of Sciences and Philosophical Faculty, Charles University in Prague
Field of specialisation: 

Demographic analysis, spatial population dynamics, internal migration, local governance, historical demography, population development of the Jews in Bohemia before 1939.

Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad: 
  • 2014 -2017 - KAICIID Dialogue Centre, Vienna
  • 2011 - 2013 - Post-Doc, Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Science http://www.oeaw.ac.at/wic/
  • 2011 - Junior Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study - Collegium Budapest, 5 months
  • 2008-2009 - UMR INRA-ENESAD CESAER: Centre d'Economie et Sociologie appliquées à l'Agriculture et aux Espaces Ruraux, Dijon, 5 months
  • 2007 - UMR INRA-ENESAD CESAER: Centre d'Economie et Sociologie appliquées à l'Agriculture et aux Espaces Ruraux, Dijon, 6 months
  • 2005 - UMR INRA-ENESAD CESAER: Centre d'Economie et Sociologie appliquées à l'Agriculture et aux Espaces Ruraux, Dijon, 3 months
  • 2005 - Essex Summer School in Social Science, University of Essex, Colchesteru, course: Multivariate Analysis, 2 weeks


EAPS (European Association for Population Studies) - member

All publications

Articles with impact factor

Chapters in monograph


Peer-reviewed journal articles

Non-peer-reviewed articles

Připojené soubory

CV and Full List of Publications348.87 KB