Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Seminar / Tue, 10/02/2015 - 10:00 - 11:00

Pablo Merino (Max-Plank Institute, Stuttgart, Germany)

Quantum systems like molecules or quantum dots cannot emit two photons at the same time which results in an antibunching of the emitted photon train and a dip in the photon-photon correlation function. Such single photon emitters are key elements for quantum cryptography and their application needs a perfect optical separation of neighboring emitters. This requires reproducible emitter distances typically above the optical diffraction limit and has imposed strong limitations on suitable structures and materials.

Workshop / Mon, 16/02/2015 - 12:00 - Wed, 18/02/2015 - 12:00

With emerging of new microscopic techniques and their widespread use, appropriate sample preparation is still the crucial prerequisite for successful microstructural observation of bulk metallic samples. This involves the preparation of parallel planes with mirror-like surface or defined sample thickness reduction without damaging of surface layer for special applications. In order to demonstrate state-of-the-art development in this field, we organize a workshop in cooperation with Struers GmbH Praha and Carl Zeiss spol. s r. o.

Conference / Sun, 28/06/2015 - Fri, 03/07/2015

The series of International Conferences on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC‘s) is devoted to basic and applied aspects of new self-assembling materials possessing chiral and polar structures and properties. These conferences have been organized in odd years in between International Conferences on Liquid Crystals.

Conference / Mon, 27/07/2015 - 08:00 - Sat, 01/08/2015 - 08:00

FQMT’15 is a follow-up to the four previous, successful Prague conferences "Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics". The title of the conference is traditional and reflects main topics of early FQMT conferences.

The conference is focused on

  • Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics
  • Mesoscopic and biological systems
  • Foundations of quantum physics
  • Quantum optics, cold atoms

Past events

Seminar / Wed, 05/09/2012 - 15:00

Relativistic Laboratory Astrophysics with Extreme Power Lasers

Seminar / Tue, 04/09/2012 - 10:00

Remarks from the Joint International Symposium 11th ISFD & 11th RCBJSF

Conference / Mon, 03/09/2012

Development of Materials Science in Research and Education 2012

Seminar / Mon, 27/08/2012 - 15:00

Supersymmetric and superintegrable models of quantum mechanics

Seminar / Wed, 01/08/2012 - 14:00

Laser Rapid Manufacturing and Peening: Recent Developments

Seminar / Tue, 24/07/2012 - 14:00

High power laser developments at JAEA

Seminar / Tue, 17/07/2012 - 15:00

Gravity with Anisotropic Scaling and the Multicritical Universe

Seminar / Mon, 16/07/2012 - 10:30

Fundamental property of 6.X-nm EUV emission for the next generation lithography

Conference / Sun, 01/07/2012

15th International Conference on non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy

Seminar / Tue, 26/06/2012 - 15:00

Galvanomagnetic phenomena in random alloys: the first-principles approach

Seminar / Tue, 26/06/2012 - 10:30

Relation between the apparent barrier height, the chemical force and the local contact potential difference in atomic scale

Seminar / Tue, 26/06/2012 - 10:00

AFM on a Hydrogenated Si 7x7 Surface: exploring different interaction regimes

Seminar / Fri, 22/06/2012 - 13:30

Deep inelastic scattering kinematics in covariant approximation

Seminar / Fri, 22/06/2012 - 10:30

Roll-to-roll deposition of graphene film by microwave plasma CVD

Seminar / Thu, 21/06/2012 - 15:00

Assembling and Blocking Epitaxial Organic Layers on Si Surfaces

Seminar / Wed, 20/06/2012 - 15:00

Laser centre ELI Beamlines

Seminar / Tue, 19/06/2012 - 15:00

Transient electron currents through a molecular bridge in response to short switching sequences

Seminar / Fri, 15/06/2012 - 13:30

Neutrino experiment NOVA

Seminar / Tue, 12/06/2012 - 10:00

Nanoscale layering of antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases in Rb2Fe4Se5

Seminar / Tue, 12/06/2012 - 10:00

Investigations of model organic materials and photovoltaic devices using noncontact atomic force microscopy and Kelvin probe force microscopy

The Dvořák Lecture / Wed, 06/06/2012 - 15:00

Graphene Ten Years Later

Seminar / Tue, 05/06/2012 - 15:00

On The Weak Quantum Mechanical Measurements

Seminar / Tue, 05/06/2012 - 10:00

Electrodynamic activity of cells and its changes during the malign process

Seminar / Fri, 01/06/2012 - 13:30

Study of multiple parton collisions in ATLAS experiment

Seminar / Wed, 30/05/2012 - 15:00

Antiferromagnetic semiconductors I-Mn-V: epitaxial growth and first experiments

Seminar / Tue, 29/05/2012 - 15:00

Anderson impurity model in an external magnetic field

Seminar / Tue, 22/05/2012 - 15:00

The electronic and magnetic structure of Mn doped semiconductors and semimetals

Seminar / Fri, 18/05/2012 - 10:00

"Flexoelectricity: What is it, and why does it matter"

Seminar / Thu, 17/05/2012 - 15:00

JINR participation in ATLAS upgrade

Seminar / Tue, 15/05/2012 - 15:00

Dynamic elasticity of materials

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