Expedition Svalbard 2012 starting on June 24th
19 Jun 2012
The expeditions and field work research on Svalbard take place each summer season approximately from the end of June to the end of September. This year's expedition led by prof. Josef Elster from the Institute of Botany ASCR will be held from 24th June 2012 to 1 September 2012. There will be about 20–24 students in total. Petuniabukta Station is situated in the High Arctic. Petunia bay is located in the central part of Svalbard archipelago, which is more continental and drier than the western part. In the meantime the laboratory and data analysis are carried out in the different research institutions in Czech Republic.
Izraeli Nobel Laureates in Prague
18 Jun 2012
Four laureates of the Nobel Prize from Israel – Ada Yonath (Weizmann Instiute, Rehovot, Nobel Prize 2009), Aaron Ciechaonover (Technion, Nobel Prize 2004), Avram Hershko (Rappaport Institute, Haifa, Nobel Prize 2004) and Dan Schechtman (Technion, Nobel Prize 2011) – visited Prague on the last days of May. They attended the conference Prague Nobel Get-Together at Prague’ National Technical Library (30–31 May), which was jointly arranged by the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the ASCR, The Academy of Sciences of the CR and the Embassy of the State of Israel in the CR.
L´ Oréal For women in science
4 Jun 2012
Remarkable Czech women scientists have received the L’Oréal Award. The ceremonial act took place at the Clam-Gallas Palace in Prague May 17, 2012. The awards were presented to Zuzana Kratinová from Institute of Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences, Natália Martínková from the Institute of Vertebrate Biology of the Academy of Sciences, and Karolína Pecková from the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague.
Graphene Ten Years Later
26 May 2012
The 4th Dvořák Lecture by Professor Allan H. MacDonald, University of Texas at Austin, USA Graphene Ten Years Later will take place on June 6, 2012 at 3:00 pm in the Institute of Physics of the AS CR, v. v. i., Na Slovance 2, CZ-182 21 Praha 8, Czech Republic.
The S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology celebrates its eightieth
22 May 2012
The S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences that was in 1991 named in honour of S.I. Vavilov, the prominent Russian botanist and geneticist and was also engaged in history of science, celebrated eighties anniversary. Recently discovered archive documents established that the Institute was created on February 28, 1932. By this occasion the international assembly took place in Moscow on February 28, 2012 and at the end of the festive meeting the foreign guests and some Russian scholars were awarded a Medal for Contribution to History of Science. One of them was president of ESHS Soňa Štrbáňová from the Institute for Contemporary History ASCR.
His Majesty King Carl XIV Gustav of Sweden visited the Institute of Botany ASCR
21 May 2012
The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences organized a Royal Technology Mission (RTM) to the Czech Republic on May 8–11, 2012. As the patron of the Academy, His Majesty King Carl XIV Gustaf of Sweden is participating in the delegation together with representatives from Swedish business, government authorities and academia. The purpose of the RTM 2012 to the Czech Republic is to gain insights into strategies, initiatives and opportunities in an EU country that has a strong industrial, technological and academic tradition. Of the newer EU countries the Czech Republic is Sweden’s second largest trading partner and about 200 Swedish companies are currently represented in the Czech Republic.
Z.P. Bazant Prize for Engineering Mechanics
17 May 2012
The Czech Society for Mechanics instituted a prize named Z.P. Bazant Prize for Engineering Mechanics. The Prize is given annually and includes a monetary award of 1200 USD.
9 May 2012
The Academy Assembly, the Academy of Science’s highest body responsible for the highest priority decisions related to the ASCR, held its XL meeting on April 19, 2012. Among invited guests were Petr Fiala, the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor; Miroslava Němcová, the Chairwoman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic; Alena Gajdůšková, the 1st Vice-President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic; Václav Pačes, the President of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic; Rudolf Zahradník, the Honorary President of the ASCR; Helena Illnerová, the former President of the ASCR, and others.
Seven Years of CZELO - seven presentations, seven minutes each
3 May 2012
The CZELO office will celebrate its seven years anniversary on 30 May 2012 in Brussels. On this occasion, six European and regional centres of excellence that are currently being build in the Czech Republic with the financial support from Structural Funds and SYLICA project demonstrating the synergies between SF and FP7, will be presented. For more information click here.
Czech Academy joins JRC initiative on scientific support to Danube strategy
26 Apr 2012
The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic has joined today the JRC initiative to provide scientific support to the Danube strategy. The President of this Academy, Jiří Drahoš, and the JRC Director General, Dominique Ristori, signed the agreement in the context of a high-level conference organised in Brussels. The conference brought together 100 attendees, among whom policy makers, the scientists and interested stakeholders, including Maroš Šefčovič, vice president of the European Commission. Attendees discussed key challenges in implementing the EU Danube strategy during this meeting, focusing on the four pillars of the initiative: environmental protection, irrigation and agricultural development, navigability and energy production. The need for better European governance in the area, as already identified by the European Council was also addressed, and concrete cooperation and coordination actions were discussed.