Completed project

Sociální aspekty bydlení a jejich proměna v průběhu transformace v České republice ve světle srovnání se situací v zemích EU

Project duration: 
2000 - 2002

Projekt Sociální aspekty bydlení a jejich proměna v průběhu transformace v České republice ve světle srovnání se situací v zemích EU
byl podpořen Grantovou agenturou AV ČR. Obsahem projektu bylo komplexní
zhodnocení výdajů na bydlení českých domácností, identifikace cílových
skupin nejvíce ohrožených výdaji na bydlení a hodnocení nástrojů bytové
politiky směřujících ke zvýšení dostupnosti bydlení v ČR. V rámci
řešení projektu byla mimo jiné provedena rovněž rozsáhlá komparativní
analýza systémů
sociálního bydlení a příspěvku na bydlení ve vyspělých zemích EU,
hledán optimální model příspěvku na bydlení
odpovídající standardům západoevropských zemí aplikovatelný v
podmínkách deregulovaných a regionálně diferencovaných cen bydlení v
ČR. V neposlední řadě byl v rámci řešení projektu realizován rozsáhlý
výzkum postojů české populace k bydlení. Publikační výstupy projektu
včetně informací o výzkumu Postoje k bydlení v ČR 2001 jsou k dispozici na stránkách týmu Socioekonomie bydlení (

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech science foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 14, displaying 1 - 10)

Lux, Martin

The author describes the development in household consumption in the Czech Republic during the transition. The Family Budget Survey data were used for the analyses. The author applies the anova and the linear regression models to find out the main social factors influencing the changes in consumption patterns. In the final part the main consumption indicators of sustainable development are mentioned.

wages and incomes, family, transformation
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Lux, Martin

The paper provides brief list of changes in rental and ownership housingsector during the transition in the Czech Republic. The complete analysisof housing expenditures of all Czech households as well as analysis of housingexpenditures of different social categories of households is provided.

housing, wages and incomes, family, transformation, public policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Lux, Martin

The paper analyses the main factors underlying housing satisfaction in the Czech Republic. The data from the Housing Attitudes 2001 survey are used and the author apply linear, ordinal and logistic regression models.

housing, public policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Lux, Martin

The authors of the book „Housing – Res Publica“ describe the development of housing policies in selected developed and transitional societies and they especially provide the description and comparison of different systems of social housing and housing allowances. The authors evaluate the current housing policy tools in the Czech Republic from the point of view of efficiency and effectiveness.

housing, EU, social inequalities, social policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Lux, Martin

This article provides a comparative description of the development of the social housing sector in three transitional countries during the 90s. Several features of social housing in the EU countries are mentioned to establish the indicators used as the methodological base for a critical evaluation of the development of social housing in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.

housing, EU, social policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Lux, Martin (ed.)
housing, EU, social inequalities, social policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega

Authors present the results of complex simulation modelling of real equilibrium market rents in the CR and analyse both financial and social consequences of an introduction of better targeting housing policy tools: municipal social housing and housing allowance.

housing, social policy, public policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega, Miroslava Obadalová

The aim of the study is the evaluation of the financial affordability of owner-occupied and rental housing in the Czech Republic, the description of the trend during 1990s, and the comparison with selected EU countries. The common indicator of affordability of the rental housing is used ů the housing expenditures to income ratio.

housing, EU, wages and incomes, standard of living
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Lux, Martin

The study describes the development in financial affordability of housing in the Czech Republic and EU countries. The affordability is analysed for all tenures: rental housing, co-operative housing and home-ownership. Using econometric models it evaluates the consequences of potential rental housing reform on both the housing market and financial affordability of all groups of households.

housing, EU, wages and incomes, public policy
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
Sunega, Petr, Daniel Čermák, Zdenka Vajdová

The theoretical part of the study explains basic approaches from the field of housing careers. The analytic part of the study is based on an observation of the personal housing histories, in the period between 1960 and 2001, of Czech citizens, who were respondents in the Housing Attitudes in the Czech Republic 2001 survey.

housing, migration and mobility
Socioeconomics of Housing
Type of publication:
