Comming seminars

  • Roman Neruda: Metaúvod do metaučení

    13.4.2015 14:00 @ Hora Informaticae

    Metaučení je oblast strojového učení, která se snaží aplikovat učící algoritmy na samotný učící proces za využití metadat (informací o datových množinách) a dat o výsledcích učení shrnujících předchozí zkušenosti z použití algoritmů. Cílem je doporučování vhodných algoritmů na řešeni konkrétni úlohy, doporučování nastavení parametrů algoritmů, případně kompozice hybridních metod řešení. V přednášce ukážeme základní přístupy metaučení v oblasti dolování znalostí z dat.

  • Kirk Soodhalter: A Pseudo-Block Krylov subspace recycling approach for solving many shifted systems with arbitrary right-hand sides

    14.4.2015 13:15 @ Computational Methods

    Krylov subspace recycling is useful for solving a sequence of slowly changing linear systems. It has been shown that recycled GMRES cannot easily be used in conjunction with shifted system techniques due to restrictions upon the residuals [S., Szyld, Xue, APNUM 2014]. Recently, a new GMRES method for shifted systems was proposed [S., 2015] eliminating this restriction by constructing a block Krylov subspace generated from a block vector containing all right-hand sides. In this talk, we discuss combining this new method with subspace recycling, yielding a recycled GMRES method for shifted linear systems

  • Katrin Přikrylová: How do logical connectives behave in natural language?

    15.4.2015 14:00 @ Applied Mathematical Logic

    Logical connectives are pretty well defined in every logical system and we can (usually) understand them as words of natural language(s). But how does this mapping work actually? Can we use the connectives from natural languages in the same - clearly and unambiguously defined - way? I will show exampels from Czech (with translation into English, whenever possible) to illustrate how nice and clean is the world of logic compared with the natural language. Finally I will discuss the use of the logical connectives in the sentiment analysis.

  • Designing prognostic models with the RLS feature selection

    17.4.2015 15:00 @ Seminars of the ISCB ČR

    Učebna č. 222, Ústav informatiky AV ČR, Pod Vodárenskou věží 2, 182 07 Praha 8 - Ládví, přednáší: Prof. Leon Bobrowski DSc, PhD. (Computer Science Department, Białystok University of Technology, Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)

  • Tomáš Lávička: Beyond finitarity in abstract algebraic logic

    22.4.2015 14:00 @ Applied Mathematical Logic

    I will speak about some newly introduced hiercharchy of logics in the field of Abstract Algebraic Logic, This hierarchy combines the notions of finitary, completeness with respect to relativem subdirectly irreducible models and some properties of the closure system of all theories of a given logic. My goal for this talk is to introduce this hierarchy and to describe a separating example, which I have discovered for my master thesis.

  • Milan Daniel: A Comparison of Plausibility Conflict and of Conflict Based on Amount of Uncertainty of Belief Functions

    29.4.2015 14:00 @ Applied Mathematical Logic

    Preliminaries of belief functions and general properties of conflicts of belief functions will be recalled. Authors’s plausibility conflict and Harmanec’s conflict based on uncertainty measure and Dempster’s rule will be presented. Both the approaches will be analysed and compared. As the approaches are based on completely different assumptions, some of their properties are very different almost counter-intuitive for the first view; on the other hand, the approaches have some analogous properties, which differs both of them from the other commonly used approaches to conflict between belief functions.