Institute of Geology AS CR, v. v. i.

Medium-sized research center which main purpose is to gain, interpret and integrate the knowledge of the Earth System.

Earth history stories

The largest terrestrial mammal and the best preserved primate fossil

On the occasion of 80th birthday of Professor Oldřich Fejfar, one of the most important persons in European paleontology of the second half of the 20 century, the international paleontologic conference took place in 16-19th May, 2011 in the Institute of Geology AS CR, v. v. i. A number of very important contributions were firstly presented in the conference. For example, Professor S. Sen (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris) reported on the largest terrestrial mammal (the rhino-related genus Paraceratherium) found in the Early Tertiary of Turkey.

Death Valley, Trails of Racing Stones

Gunther Kletetschka

Moravian Sahara or Moravian Lake?

Research conducted in the Strážnické Pomoraví located in the Lower Moravian Basin is focused on climate and human impact on the Morava River behavior. The Morava River floodplain borders with an area called the Moravian Sahara covering with sand dunes up to 10 m high which were blown out from an underlaying deposits. These underlaying gravely sands (up to 30 m thick) have been traditionally interpreted as the wind-blown sediments.