As long as there will be no proceedings of the

Bologna meeting

taking place during July 3 - 5, 2006,



the running preparation of the parallel

special issue

of the

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics

to be devoted to the topics covered by the conference series


Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians

in Quantum Physics



It's time for submissions of the manuscripts by email.

More detailed information is provided here on

A sample of topics to be considered welcome for special issue:


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Special Issue will be published in

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 (2006), No. 9.

Those who wish to have their contributions considered for publication
are expected to submit their LATEX files
directly to the Journal's Guest Editor's
(electronically, in the prescribed format).
All contributions will be refereed,
and there will be no publication charges.
The deadline for submission:

April 30th, 2006.

A reasonable prolongation of this deadline
will be possible, in exceptional cases, upon emailed request.
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For a review and/or your inspiration:

The materials of the previous Workshop Nr. 4 may be sought in the August Special Issue of

J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) pp. xxx-yyy.

The genuine proceedings of Workshop Nr. 3 filled the September issue of

Czech. J. Phys. 55 (2005) pp. 1045 - 1192.

The proceedings of the second Workshop Nr. 2
appeared in the October issue a year earlier:

Czech. J. Phys. 54 (2004) pp. 1005 - 1148

Finally, the first issue of proceedings of the first Workshop Nr. 1 (organized in the year 2003)
coincides with the January issue of

Czech. J. Phys. 54 (2004) pp. 1 - 156.

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by e-mail:


or by ordinary mail:

Miloslav Znojil
Nuclear Physics Institute,
250 68 Rez, Czech Republic

or via fax or phone:

Fax : +420 - 220 940 165 (M. Z.)
Phone : +420 - 266 173 286 (M.Z., office)

or, last but not least, via the

global webpage of the whole conference series.

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The previous special issue

containing non-exclusively the proceedings of the Stellenbosch 2005 Workshop
is in print in Journal of Physics: Math. Gen.

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last update: March 7th, 2006.