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Postdoctoral position in the Logic and Randomness in Computational Complexity

A one year postdoctoral position is available within the framework of the European Research Council Advanced Grant Feasibility, logic and randomness in computational complexity (FEALORA) under the direction of Prof. Pavel Pudlák, starting on 1st January 2016.

125 years of the Czech Academies of Sciences (and Arts)

On Friday, 23rd January, 125 years had passed since the foundation of the Czech Academy of Emperor Franz Josef I for Sciences, Literature and Art (ČAVU), the predecessor of today’s the Czech Academy of Sciences. This significant jubilee will be commemorated by the Czech Academy of Sciences with several ceremonial events, exhibitions and lectures throughout 2015 - see the attached schedule of events (in Czech).

  Schedule of events

Postdoctoral position in the Mathematical Thermodynamics of Fluids

A three-year postdoctoral position is available within the framework of the European Research Council Advanced Grant Mathematical Thermodynamics of Fluids (MATHEF) under the direction of Prof. Eduard Feireisl, starting on 1st May 2015.

Postdoctoral position within the Academic Human Resource Programme

A two-year postdoctoral position within the Academic Human Resource Programme of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic is available in one of the research teams in the Institute of Mathematics in Prague or in Brno, starting on 1st July 2015.

The Neuron Award for Ivo Babuška

Professor Ivo Babuška, the worldwide renown specialist in computational mathematics received the prestigious Neuron Prize for Life Achievement awarded by the Neuron Foundation for Support of Science and Research. He is the founder of two important departments of mathematical research in the Institute of Mathematics: partial differential equations and numerical analysis. Since 1968 he has been working in the USA.
  See also

Dny otevřených dveří v Matematickém ústavu AV ČR – Open Houses in the Institute of Mathematics AS CR

Tradiční Dny otevřených dveří v Matematickém ústavu AV ČR jsou součástí Týdne vědy a techniky Akademe věd ČR, nejrozsáhlejšího vědeckého festivalu v České republice pořádaného Akademií věd ČR ve spolupráci s dalšími institucemi ve dnech 1.–15. listopadu 2014. Široká veřejnost a především studenti středních škol mají možnost nahlédnout do pracoven, laboratoří a knihoven a poznat, jak se dělá věda. Badatelé z výzkumných pracovišť AV ČR připravují širokou nabídku exkurzí, přednášek, výstav a diskusních večerů, ve kterých představují své výzkumné projekty, předvádějí nejmodernější vědecké přístroje a experimenty a přibližují návštěvníkům nejnovější trendy v oblasti vědy. V Matematickém ústavu AV ČR se Dny otevřených dveří uskuteční na pražském pracovišti ve dnech 12.–14. listopadu, v brněnské pobočce 4. listopadu 2014.

Traditional Open Houses in the Institute of Mathematics AS CR will be held as part of the Week of Science and Technology, the most extensive scientific festival in the Czech Republic, organized by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in cooperation with other institutions from 1st to 15th November 2014. The scientists from the research workplaces of the Academy of Sciences prepare a wide offer of lectures, presentations, panel discussions, seminars, excursions, exhibitions and discussion evenings, in which they present their research projects, the most modern scientific apparatuses and outline for the attendees the latest trends in the areas of science in the Czech Republic and the world. The Prague departments in the Institute of Mathematics will be open to public from 12th to 14th November, the Brno branch on 4th November 2014.
  NOVÉ: fotogalerie
  Nabídka přednášek v MÚ AV ČR – Lectures offered in the Institute of Mathematics
  Přednášky, fotografie, videa – archiv DOD 2013

The 11th Eduard Čech Lecture: Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, IHES

Modern Geometry: from Local to Global, from Smooth to Rough, from Static to Dynamic

Friday, 31 October 2014 at 9:30 a.m., in the main lecture hall of the Institute of Mathematics

Jean-Pierre Bourguignon is well known for his contributions to modern differential geometry. He was the president of the French Mathematical Society (1990–1992), and the second president of the European Mathematical Society (1995–1998). Since 1994, and until his retirement in August 2013, he has served mathematicians and physicists all over the world as director of the prestigious research centre Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques at Bures-sur-Yvette, close to Paris. Since 2014 he is the President of the European Research Council (ERC).

The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion about the ERC and mathematics in the Czech Republic.
  Invitation to the Čech Lecture
  Invitation to the panel discussion

Striving and Supporting Excellence in Science, 30 October 2014

The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic organizes a meeting on the occasion of the visit of Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, President of the European Research Council.

Bernard Bolzano Medal for Pavel Krejčí

On June 24-26 the international workshop Rate independent processes and evolution - RIPE60 was organized in the Institute of Mathematics AS CR by Eduard Feireisl (Prague) and Elisabetta Rocca (Berlin) on the occasion of 60-th birthday of RNDr. Pavel Krejčí, CSc. The workshop was attented by more than 30 of his collaborators and co-authors from different countries. Part of the workshop was a ceremony where the President of the Scientific Council AS CR, Prof. Jiří Čtyroký, handed to Pavel Krejčí the Honorary Bernard Bolzano Medal for Merits in Mathematical Sciences, awarded by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Prof. Jürgen Sprekels, director of the Weierstrass Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik in Berlin, Pavel's friend and collaborator, delivered the laudatio.
  Photographic documentation by Jan Franců

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