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Výzkumný program Strategie AV21 pomáhá léčbě epilepsie


10 Feb 2015

9. únor 2015 se stal historicky prvním Mezinárodním dnem epilepsie, kterou trpí téměř 50 milionů lidí z celého světa. Významným příspěvkem k této události byla tisková konference, kterou uspořádala Akademie věd ČR za účasti předních českých odborníků. Doc. MUDr. Jakub Otáhal, Ph.D. z oddělení vývojové epileptologie Fyziologického ústavu AV ČR představil výzkumný program Strategie AV21 Kvalitní život ve zdraví a nemoci, jehož je koordinátorem. „Výsledky práce expertů z AV ČR jsou v klinické praxi intenzivně využívány zejména při lokalizaci epileptického ložiska před epileptochirurgickými zákroky,“ uvedl doc. Otáhal.

Unique ability of tumour cells


28 Jan 2015

A tumour cell, whose mitochondria do not function because of missing mitochondrial DNA, can acquires these functional organelles from another cell, and thus restart cellular respiration and renew its tumour potential. This is a discovery that rewrites textbook science, notes the popularization web portal IFLScience.

An international scientific team under the guidance of prof. Jiří Neužil from the Institute of Biotechnology of the CAS and Griffith University in Australia in cooperation with researchers from the Malaghan Institute in Wellington, New Zealand has discovered that cancer cells deprived of mitochondrial DNA, after being introduced in the receptor (mouse), have the ability to “renew” their mitochondrial DNA by acquiring it from the cells of the host. This leads to the renewal of the mitochondrial function of the mitochondria in cancer cells. The results is that the cells again acquire the ability to create tumours. This fundamental discovery of the function of a cancer cell was published in the prestigious journal Cell Metabolism (see

Genetic blueprint of bread wheat genome unveiled


17 Jul 2014

Last step before full genome sequence
The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) published today in the international journal Science a draft sequence of the bread wheat genome. The chromosome-based draft provides new insight into the structure, organization, and evolution of the large, complex genome of the world’s most widely grown cereal crop. The genetic blueprint of the wheat genome was obtained using the chromosome-based strategy developed by research team of Jaroslav Doležel, Professor at the Institute of Experimental Botany CAS.

The zebrafish as an aide in modern haematology


11 Jul 2014

A current trend of modern biomedical research is the attempt to minimalize experiments on animals like mice or chickens and where it is possible to replace them with developmentally simpler model organisms, but it is a necessary precondition that some basic cellular and physiological processes are evolutionarily conserved with these organisms, by which the similarity with the processes taking place in more complex organisms is preserved. One such biological model is the aquarium fish, the zebrafish, named for its zebra-like stripes.

Ultraviolet light enables to find white-nose syndrome in bats


4 Jun 2014

Scientists working to understand the devastating bat disease known as white-nose syndrome (WNS) now have a new, non-lethal tool to identify bats with WNS lesions —ultraviolet, or UV, light. If long-wave UV light is directed at the wings of bats with white-nose syndrome, it produces a distinctive orange-yellow fluorescence. This orange-yellow glow corresponds directly with microscopic skin lesions that are the current “gold standard” for diagnosing white-nose syndrome in bats.

Quantifying the impacts of alien species: towards an IUCN Black List


12 May 2014

One of the major transformations of the planet from human activities is the wholesale redistribution of species, through the deliberate or accidental translocation of their populations to areas outside their native range. These “alien” species have in many cases caused substantial deleterious impacts to the recipient environment (e.g. extinctions of native populations and species, the disruption of soil nutrient and water cycling, and natural disturbance regimes). Preventing and mitigating such impacts is a major drain on limited conservation resources.

New findings on acute myeloid leukemia from the Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR


5 May 2014

Scientists from the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Academy of Sciences in Czech Republic (IMG), in collaboration with several leading centers in the USA and the Netherlands, clarify the mechanism of transformation in one subtype of leukemia. Importantly, they identify substances that in a future might help to develop more effective treatments for this disease. The results of this study were published in the international journal Haematologica.

New Nikon Centre of Excellence in Super Resolution Microscopy at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic


22 Jan 2014

On Tuesday, 21st of January, 2014 Nikon Company in the cooperation with the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Science, will start operation of a new Nikon Centre of Excellence in Super Resolution Microscopy. The Super Resolution Microscopy is a revolutionary microscopic method enabling the observation of the smaller details especially in the cell biology, than it was possible until now with the conventional methods.

Epigenetic diversity increases the productivity and stability of plant populations


28 Nov 2013

Humanity is dependent on natural ecosystems as sources of food, but they also provide other essential services. The preservation of biological diversity is a fundamental challenge for contemporary environmental protection. Recent research has found that intraspecific diversity plays an equally vital role in the functioning and stability of ecosystems as interspecies diversity. Intraspecific diversity was until now always attributed to phenotypic and functional diversity of individuals, secured thanks to the variability of DNA. Nevertheless, the phenotype is controlled only by the base sequence of nucleotides in the DNA, but is also controlled by epigenetic variation.

Why does the cuckoo win the battle with its host?


25 Nov 2013

New knowledge from biologists of the CAS
The Common Cuckoo is an obligatory brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nests of other bird species (hosts), and leaves them with the entire burden of raising their offspring. As a consequence of this way of life, a number of specific adaptations have arisen, to which the hosts respond with adequate counteradaptations. That leads to the emergence of a coevolutionary struggle between the two involved parties. One of the most interesting adaptations of the Common Cuckoo is the often noteworthy similarity of their eggs to the hosts’ eggs (mimicry), which increases the chance that the host does not recognise and remove them.