Institute of Geology AS CR, v. v. i.

Medium-sized research center which main purpose is to gain, interpret and integrate the knowledge of the Earth System.

Department of Paleobiology and Paleoecology


The scientific work of the department and the application of research results:

  • dynamics of fossil communities evolution
  • evolution of marine and terrestrial environments, distribution of fossil fauna and flora (paleogeography)
  • function morphology, evolution, autecology and synecology of the fossil mass
  • biostratigraphy
  • co-operation with other scientific disciplines (sedimentology, biology, geochemistry) for complex interpretations of the rock record
  • Spesovicornea pacltovae Svobodová et Vavrdová, gen. et sp.n.

    Polygnathoides siluricus Branson & Mehl, 1933. - an Index for the global siluricus conodont Biozone of the late Ludfordian (Ludlow, Silurian), Požáry Quarry, Praha-Řeporyje (oral and lateral view)

    Fossil frog Palaeobatrachus grandipes, Bechlejovice, Upper Oligocene

    Trilete pseudosaccate isospores of Spencerisporites radiatus isolated from fertile apical zones of the parent plant Sternbergites havlenae from the Pennsylvanian (Bolsovian) of the Kladno-Rakovník Basin, central and western Bohemian Carboniferous continental basins

    Astroentactinia biaciculata, an astroentactiniid radiolarian (Radiolaria; Astroentactiniidae); Mokrá, middle quarry, Tournaisian

    Sphenacanthus carbonarius, scale in anterior view (Chondrichthyes; Euselachii); Klobuky, Stephanian (Upper Pennsylvanian)