Saturday, 11 04 2015

Last update10.04 10:54

Evaluation of the situation in some areas and expected development of these areas in year 2007

In our country people are most satisfied with supply of goods and services (77 % of respondents expressed their satisfaction), with current situation of Czech culture and with relationships of the Czech Republic with foreign countries. On contrary dissatisfaction prevails with areas such as corruption and economical criminality. 79 % of Czech citizens are dissatisfied with economical criminality and 82 % of people are discontented with corruption.

In comparism to situation in February 2005 and 2006 people say the chance of participation at decision-making about public affairs has worsened. Furthermore the evaluation of the political situation in the Czech Republic has been more negative than in previous years. In most monitored areas people do not expect any noticeable changes. Czech public are most worried about worsening of the corruption and economical criminality.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


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