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Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Scientific divisions

Institute of Physics is an establishment related to the basic research in many regions of physics. The institute consists of divisions according to the particular research subjects. The divisions are divided to the research and support departments (the list of all departments sorted in divisions).

The subject of research at the Division of Elementary Particle Physics is basic structure of matter and its fundamental laws. For this purpose, high energy collisions of particles at colliders at CERN, Fermilab and DESY are studied, as well as high energy cosmic rays at Pierre Auger observatory. The findings, though seemingly unconnected, serve the same purpose - to understand and describe the Universe at the very basic level.  View >>

Division of Condensed Matter studies dynamical low-energy properties and co-operative phenomena under extreme conditions, such as strong or fluctuating external fields or strong interactions, where significant breaking of translational symmetry due to dot and line singularities, quantum vortices, impurities and disorder in perfect crystals becomes relevant.   View >>

The research is aimed at novel forms of the Solid State, the properties or behaviour of which are mainly determined by either their surface, or nanometric, layer, or aperiodic structure. The major feature is synergy ranging from advanced technologies for preparation of materials, unique characterization methods in a wide range of external conditions, to atomic and nanometric levels, up to the treatment of related problems by microphysical theoretical models, and ab-initio calculations. Among the highlights are novel nano-crystalline forms of Silicon and Diamond, magnetic semiconductors, and, most recently, also materials for application in biology and medicine.  View >>

Division of Optics is focused on research of physical properties classical and quantum aspects of propagation of optical radiation, on the research of optical structures, materials and technologies. At the same time, novel approaches to unconventional applications like X-ray optics for synchrotron radiation, optical systems and equipment for scientists, medicine etc. are developed. Important part is accompanying research and development of original technologies ...  View >>

Several research programs are devoted to the interaction of laser radiation with matter. These activities are based on the use of TW laser beams generated by the system PALS. The generated hot and dense plasma is used as a source of soft X-rays and of highly charged heavy ions. A column of laser-generated plasma is employed as an active medium of XUV laser, which became a standard X-ray laser. For technological applications is being developed a chemical oxygen-iodine laser.   View >>

The division is in charge of implementation of ELI Beamlines - the largest research project in the history of the Czech Republic. The Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences acts as the coordinator of the ELI Project in the Czech Republic and applied for a structural funds grant from the Operational Program Research and Development for Innovation. The project Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is part of a European plan to build a new generation of large research facilities selected by the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).  View >>

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