Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Seminář / Út, 14/04/2015 - 15:00

Hendrik Vita (Department of Physical Chemistry, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin)

Abstract: The investigation of the electronic properties of graphene-metal interfaces is of great current interest, not only from a fundamental point of view, but also with respect to possible applications in electronic devices and other fields. The (111) surface of iridium is used as a template for graphene growth, in view of the weak interaction between the partners, and due to the excellent structural quality. The used experimental method is photoemission and –absorption.

Seminář / Út, 21/04/2015 - 10:00 - 11:00

Alexander Poddubny (Ioffe Physical-Technical, 26 Politekhnicheskaya st., St. Petersburg 194021, Russia)

The two possibilities to control and enhance the optical properties of the nanocrystals made from indirect band-gap semiconductors are presented by quantum confinement and surface engineering. The quantum confinement effect can lead to the relaxation of the momentum conservation rules for small nanocrystal sizes while the surface engineering offers the possibility to manipulate the eigenstates of confined carriers in the reciprocal space due to the valley mixing effects.

Konference / Ne, 28/06/2015 - Pá, 03/07/2015

The series of International Conferences on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC‘s) is devoted to basic and applied aspects of new self-assembling materials possessing chiral and polar structures and properties. These conferences have been organized in odd years in between International Conferences on Liquid Crystals.

Konference / Po, 27/07/2015 - 08:00 - So, 01/08/2015 - 08:00

FQMT’15 is a follow-up to the four previous, successful Prague conferences "Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics". The title of the conference is traditional and reflects main topics of early FQMT conferences.

The conference is focused on

  • Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics
  • Mesoscopic and biological systems
  • Foundations of quantum physics
  • Quantum optics, cold atoms

Oznámení / Ne, 23/08/2015 - Pá, 28/08/2015

ELI Beamlines and HiLASE Summer School (ELISS 2015) will be held in Prague, The Czech Republic from Sunday August 23rd, 2015 to Friday August 28th, 2015. The summer school targets students around the world to participate in seminars lead by distinguished academics and researchers.

The detailed information is available on the ELI Beamlines website.

Minulé události

Seminář / Čt, 10/06/2010 - 14:00

Electronic structure near the Fe3O4/MgO(001) interface and near structural defects in magnetite

Seminář / Čt, 03/06/2010 - 15:00

Spor Einstein-Bohr, jeho skutečné řešení a důsledky

Seminář / St, 26/05/2010 - 15:00

Nové přístupy ke strukturní analýze krystalických materiálů rentgenovou a elektronovou difrakcí

Seminář / Út, 25/05/2010 - 15:00

Analysis of simultaneous STM/AFM measurements with atomic resolution

Seminář / Út, 25/05/2010 - 10:00

An accurate DFT-based method for the treatment of weak and van der Waals interactions : the LCAO-S2+vdW formalism

Seminář / Po, 24/05/2010 - 16:00

Anomalous Hall conductivity: local orbitals approach

Konference / Po, 24/05/2010

XIX-th Czech-Polish seminar: Structural and Ferroelectric Phase Transitions

Seminář / Čt, 20/05/2010 - 15:00

Path integrals in physics: the main achievements

Seminář / Út, 18/05/2010 - 15:00

Non-Markovian noise at the Fermi edge singularity in quantum dots

Seminář / Út, 18/05/2010 - 14:00

Studies of the Cosmic Ray Composition with the Pierre Auger Observatory

Seminář / Út, 18/05/2010 - 10:00

284. rozhovory o aktuálních otázkách rentgenové a neutronové strukturní analýzy

Seminář / Čt, 13/05/2010 - 15:00

Zlatá léta šedesátá v LVE SÚJV Dubna (aneb Naše začátky II)

Seminář / St, 12/05/2010 - 14:00

Ultrafast soft x-ray beamline at PALS

Seminář / St, 12/05/2010 - 10:00

Mezoskopický popis strukturálních fázových transformací v materiálech s variabilní dislokační hustotou

Seminář / Po, 10/05/2010 - 15:00

Gravity or Thermodynamics or what E. Verlinde says

Seminář / Čt, 06/05/2010 - 10:00

Fe Pd-X slitiny s tvarovou pamětí a jejich vlastnosti

Seminář / Út, 04/05/2010 - 15:00

Modeling of condensed matter systems based on ab initio results

Seminář / Čt, 29/04/2010 - 14:00

Relation of structure, magnetism, doping and pressure in AFe{2-x}TxAs2 (A=Ca,Sr,Ba,Eu; T=Co,Rh,Ru)

Workshop / Po, 26/04/2010

Scientific Challenges on the future ELI Beamlines Facility

Seminář / So, 24/04/2010

Workshop o vybraných problémech v magnetických tvarových slitinách

Seminář / Čt, 22/04/2010 - 15:00

Produkce jetů s velkou příčnou hybností v experimentu D0

Seminář / St, 21/04/2010 - 14:00

Hybridní RF/DC plazmatron pro generaci singletového kyslíku v kyslík-jódovém laseru

Seminář / Čt, 15/04/2010 - 15:00

Částicová zlatá léta šedesátá (aneb Naše začátky I)

Seminář / St, 14/04/2010 - 15:00

Experiment ATLAS v CERN

Seminář / Út, 13/04/2010 - 15:00

Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Molecules on Thin Insulating Films

Seminář / Pá, 09/04/2010 - 13:30

TILECAL - vlastnosti a rekonstrukce signálu. Jetové algoritmy a jevy v datech z pp srážek při 900 GeV

Seminář / Čt, 08/04/2010 - 14:00

Elektronické přechody v perovskitových kobaltitech

Seminář / Čt, 08/04/2010 - 10:00

Neutron scattering studies of nano-scale order and dynamics in the PMN relaxor ferroelectric

Seminář / St, 31/03/2010 - 15:00

Optická a elektronová litografie ve FZÚ AV ČR, v. v. i.

Seminář / Čt, 25/03/2010 - 15:00

DIRAC experiment at CERN: results and plans

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