Saturday, 11 04 2015

Last update10.04 10:54

Citizens on presidential elections

From the offered presidential candidates it is Otakar Motejl, whom the Czech citizens regard as the most acceptable. He now enjoys both the highest number of supporters (45%) and the lowest number of opponents (41%) and only in his case the supporters’ percentage is at least a little prevailing. The second most acceptable candidate is Petr Pithart, who would be welcomed as president by 37% of the respondents, however already more than a half of them does not want him to become the president. As for the third candidate Václav Klaus (31% for) the number of his opponents is double the number of his supporters. Next candidate Miloš Zeman would be acceptable for approximately one quarter of the interviewees, but two thirds do not want him. The current ČSSD candidate Jaroslav Bureš is acceptable on the post of the president for one fifth of the citizens and unacceptable for one half. Jaroslava Moserová enjoys preferences of 14% of the respondents and Martin Potůček i supported by 6%. Roughly one sixth of the polled stated also someone else, whom they would like to see in the presidential office. Among these, the most often mentioned names were those of Václav Fischer, Marek Eben, Stanislav Gross, Tomáš Halík, Petra Buzková and KSČM candidate Miroslav Kříženecký. Most often the public holds the view that the president of the republic should be elected by all those having the right to vote. This method of presidential elections is favoured by 65% of the respondents.


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