Michalcová, V., Dušinský, R., Sabo, M., Al Beyroutiová, M., Hauptvogel, P., Ivaničová, Z., Švec, M.
Kamut®, Molecular taxonomy, Origin, TERGAP, DArT
Bioagriculture and healthy lifestyle are trends
of the twenty-first century. Bioagriculture involves the
breeding of crops without using modern synthetic substances.
Kamut brand wheat is one of the popular biocereals
grown mainly in the USA and Europe. This cereal has
the status of ancient wheat, not only because it has been
grown since the era of the ancient Egyptian civilization,
but also for its properties favorable for modern breeding
programs and modern food marketing. In spite of Kamut’s
® interesting history and stable place in the market, it
is not a common subject of genetic studies. It is also
interesting that it has not been successfully taxonomically
classified yet. There are a few studies which classify this
tetraploid wheat as Triticum polonicum L., T. turanicum
Jakubz., T. turgidum L. and T. durum Desf. These studies
are based on cytological and comparative methods. We
chose molecular (transposable element resistance gene
analog polymorphism, diversity arrays technology,
sequencing of genes SBEIIa, and wLpx-A1_like) and statistical
methods to classify Kamut® wheat. According to
our experiments we suggest that Kamut brand wheat
originated as a natural hybrid between Triticum dicoccon
conv. dicoccon and T. polonicum and is not original
ancient Egyptian wheat. We suggest that Etruscan wheat
has the same parents as Kamut®.
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IEB authors: Zuzana Ivaničová