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projekt ALISI


„Sharia Reform and the Dynamics of Socio-Legal Change in the Islamic Monarchy of Brunei Darussalam“

5.5.2015 17:30 - 5.5.2015 19:00


 Orientální ústav AV ČR v.v.i.

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„Sharia Reform and the Dynamics of Socio-Legal Change in the Islamic Monarchy of Brunei Darussalam“
- Dominik Müller (Goethe-University Frankfurt)


Kdy: 5.5.2015, 17:30-19:00
Kde: FF UK, Celetná 20, Praha 1, místnost 238


Brunei Darussalam is the only Southeast Asian country that has unambiguously defined itself as an “Islamic State” since Independence. In the absence of democratic institutions or an influential civil society, the Islamic bureaucracy has become the Sultanate’s most powerful political actor outside the royal family. In this position, the clergy has institutionalized a monolithic, legalistic understanding of Islam as the only acceptable Muslim truth, strengthened by indoctrination, material incentives and the threat of harsh sanctions. The lecture will first outline how Brunei’s “faith control” policies have evolved in recent years, and how the legal framework for prosecuting religious “deviance” has changed following the implementation of the Shariah Penal Code Order in 2014. Based on anthropological fieldwork and primary sources, our speaker will then illustrate some of the bureaucracy’s efforts of “purifying” Islam, and explain how they are discursively embedded.


Přednáška je určena studentům a širší odborné veřejnosti.


Více informací zde: http://www.orient.cas.cz/miranda2/m2/akce/Mueller_5_5.pdf

Kontaktní osoba: petru@orient.cas.cz


