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Akademický bulletin


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projekt BIOCEV


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projekt ALISI


„Communication and Cooperation in Early Imperial China“

11.5.2015 15:30 - 11.5.2015 17:00


 Orientální ústav AV ČR v.v.i.

 Vás srdečně zve na přednášku


„Communication and Cooperation in Early Imperial China“
- Prof. Charles Sanft (University of Tennessee)


Kdy: 11.5.2015, 15:30-17:00
Kde: Fairbankova knihovna, Orientální ústav, Pod Vodárenskou věží 4, Praha 8


The talk draws from received history, the results of archaeological excavation, and current secondary scholarship to argue for the importance of non-coercive government under the early empire. It argues that despite its reputation as a harsh and totalitarian regime, the Qin dynasty employed a sophisticated apparatus that sought not simply to compel obedience to its order but also to persuade the population to accept its governance.


Přednáška je určena studentům a širší odborné veřejnosti.


Více informací zde: http://www.orient.cas.cz/miranda2/m2/akce/aktuality/Oriental-Institute-Prof.-Sanft.pdf

Kontaktní osoba: klimes@orient.cas.cz


