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2nd European TA conference
Two European conferences (2013 in Prague and 2015 in Berlin) aimed at taking stock of and supporting exchange on TA capacities available in Europe were organised in the framework of the FP7 funded project “Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment” (PACITA). PACITA is a four-year project aimed at increasing the capacity and enhancing the institutional basis for knowledge-based policy-making on issues involving science, technology and innovation, mainly based upon the diversity of practices in Parliamentary Technology Assessment in Europe (PTA). Such practices involve a range of methods of cross-disciplinary expert studies, stakeholder involvement, citizen consultation and parliamentary discourse. A major aim of PACITA is to spread knowledge on technology assessment and similar activities to areas of Europe currently unfamiliar with them.
The 2nd Europena TA conferece: „The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment“ took place on 25 - 27 February, 2015 in Berlin.
Selected presentations with videos
Short video from the conference.