Civic Democratic Party: the development of its political ideology

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1991-2004 (Adéla Gjuričová, Czech Science Foundation, 2005-2007)
The Civic Democratic Party (ODS) was founded in 1991 with reference to its British and American conservative sources, but later developing its ideology in the context of key Czech political discussions and the global shifts of the 1990s and early 2000s. This research concentrates in particular on the aspects of the transition discourse, the purpose and form of political activity, concepts of “otherness”, attitudes to European integration, and the formal aspects of political rhetoric. The methods and theoretical frameworks used by historical research and the other social sciences will be employed to analyse and interpret the party’s programmes, the texts prepared by the party’s leading personalities, and oral history interviews. The final depiction of the ODS’s ideological dynamics will also attempt to position it in 20th century Czech political thinking and to formulate new criteria of ideological classification for European politics at the turn of the millennium.


Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo Československo 38-89 Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu výzkumný projekt KSČ a bolševismus Disappeared Science

Current events in picture

Bruce Lockhart Lecture at the Embassy of the United Kingdom on 5 June in the evening: Profesor Richard Overy (University of Exeter) lecturing on British political warfare and occupied Europe.
Photo: British Embassy
The first conference panel called The existence and challenges faced by the exile governments in London (part 1). Anticlockwise: Albert Kersten (University of Leyden), Chantal Kesteloot (Centre for Historical Research, Brussels), Anita J. Prazmowska (The London School of Economics and Political Science), Detlef Brandes (Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf), Mark Cornwall (chair; University of Southampton), Jan Bečka (Charles University – Faculty of Social Sciences)
The second conference panel called The existence and challenges faced by the exile governments in London (part 2). From left to right: Vít Smetana (conference co-ordinator; Institute for Contemporary History, Prague), Jiří Ellinger (chair; Foreign Ministry, Prague), Edita Ivaničková (The Institute of History, Bratislava), Radoslaw Zurawski vel Grajewski (Lodz University), Viktoria Vasilenko (Belgorod State University)

The international conference CZECHOSLOVAKIA AND THE OTHER OCCUPIED NATIONS IN LONDON: The Story of the Exile Revisited after Seventy Years 6-7 June 2013
