
CERGE-EI Community for Ukraine

7 March, 2014

The ongoing political upheaval in Ukraine has gripped and concerned the entire CERGE-EI community. We would like to express our deepest sympathies and best wishes for the Ukrainian people at this tumultuous moment in their nation’s history.

Read more: CERGE-EI Community for Ukraine


Charles University Introduces Its New Rector

5 March, 2014

Effective February 1st 2014, Professor Tomáš Zima has assumed the position of rector of Charles University. He has been inaugurated on Tuesday March 4th 2014. CERGE-EI, as a joint workplace of Charles University and the Academy of Sciences, wishes all the best to the newly appointed rector.

Read more: Charles University Introduces Its New Rector


CERGE-EI's Competition: New Economic Talent 2014

7 February, 2014

CERGE-EI and Nadace CERGE-EI invite university students to submit papers to the New Economic Talent competition.

Read more: CERGE-EI's Competition: New Economic Talent 2014


Prof. Ashenfelter Doctor Honoris Causa

31 January, 2014

We are honored to announce that Prof. Orley Ashenfelter (Joseph Douglas Green 1895 Professor of Economics at Princeton University), former President of the American Economic Association and editor of the American Economic Review, former member of the CERGE-EI Executive and Supervisory Committee, and current member of the CERGE-EI Foundation Board of Directors, has been awarded an honorary doctorate from Charles University on January 15, 2014.

Read more: Prof. Ashenfelter Doctor Honoris Causa


MA in Applied Economics Students Won BCG Strategy Cup 2013!

20 January, 2014

Two students from our Masters of Applied Economics program – Jiří Sýkora and Jakub Čermák – together with their teammate Andrea Šandorová (ČVUT) won the 7th edition of the BCG Strategy Cup organized by Boston Consulting Group. In a tough competition with 30 teams from top Czech, Slovak and international universities, they enriched their experiences and gained an insight into the exciting work of consultancy firms. To find out more about their participation, visit the CERGE-EI blog.