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The Literary Lexicography Department was set up on May 1st, 2010 and its main task is to work on the Dictonary of the Czech Literature after 1945 On-line. The work has been started in 2005; at the time the team was a part of the Department for Research into 20th Century and Contemporary Literature.


In the first phase of the project, the Dictionary linked and expanded the content of Janoušek´s two-volume Dictionary of Czech Writers after 1945 with Dokoupil´s Dictionary of Czech Literary Periodicals, Periodical Literary Anthologies and Almanachs, two lexicographic works created in the Institute of Czech Literature AS CR in the 1990s. The web side thus offers to the public a reliable and rich source of lexicographic information, continuously up-dated and enlarged.


Since 2009, the Department has been adding entries for institutions associated with post-war literary life, namely publishing houses which produced fiction, artistic publications, scholarship in literature and works publicizing and popularizing these topics; however, other institutions are also involved, e. g. associations of writers etc. Until 2013, the project is supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic.


Departmental members: