Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Seminář / Út, 05/05/2015 - 15:00 - 16:00

Miroslav Kotrla (Department of Condensed Matter Theory, FZÚ AV ČR, v.v.i.)

Abstract: In order to understand metal heteroepitaxy, modeling of corresponding phenomena and processes has to be performed at various levels, integrating across several length scales from nano (electronic, atomistic structure) to macro (continuum mechanics).

Seminář / Út, 09/06/2015 - 10:00 - 11:00

Joachim Reichert (Physik Department, TU München, Germany)

In order to advance the development of unimolecular electronic devices (e.g. film devices) it is mandatory to improve understanding of electron transport and its loss mechanisms in single molecules. In this aspect, multi-parameter studies are required to provide more information on such systems.

Konference / Ne, 28/06/2015 - Pá, 03/07/2015

The series of International Conferences on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC‘s) is devoted to basic and applied aspects of new self-assembling materials possessing chiral and polar structures and properties. These conferences have been organized in odd years in between International Conferences on Liquid Crystals.

Konference / Po, 27/07/2015 - 08:00 - So, 01/08/2015 - 08:00

FQMT’15 is a follow-up to the four previous, successful Prague conferences "Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics". The title of the conference is traditional and reflects main topics of early FQMT conferences.

The conference is focused on

  • Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics
  • Mesoscopic and biological systems
  • Foundations of quantum physics
  • Quantum optics, cold atoms

Oznámení / Ne, 23/08/2015 - Pá, 28/08/2015

ELI Beamlines and HiLASE Summer School (ELISS 2015) will be held in Prague, The Czech Republic from Sunday August 23rd, 2015 to Friday August 28th, 2015. The summer school targets students around the world to participate in seminars lead by distinguished academics and researchers.

The detailed information is available on the ELI Beamlines website.

Minulé události

Seminář / Út, 03/02/2015 - 10:00

Various ways of preparing and modifying silicon nanocrystals

Seminář / Čt, 22/01/2015 - 14:00

Terahertz Spectroscopy of Artificial Graphene

Seminář / Út, 20/01/2015 - 10:00

Phase­‐field simulation of dielectric response of multidomain BaTiO3

Seminář / Út, 13/01/2015 - 10:00

Elastic and inelastic electron transport through alkane-based molecular junctions

Seminář / Po, 12/01/2015 - 15:00

Time‐of‐flight Mass spectrometry in laser‐matter interaction studies

Seminář / Čt, 08/01/2015 - 14:30

Direct Measurements of Magnetocaloric Properties of Magnetics in Bitter Magnet: New Techniques & Materials

Oznámení / St, 17/12/2014 - 14:00

Electronic Structure Theory of Complex Actinide Materials with Strong Coulomb Interactions

Seminář / Út, 16/12/2014 - 15:00

Research at the Center for Computational Materials Science (CMS)

Seminář / Út, 16/12/2014 - 10:00

Low-temperature STM on molecules and atomically well-defined graphene structures

Seminář / Po, 15/12/2014 - 15:00

Laser Ablation Fundamentals and Applications

Seminář / Po, 15/12/2014 - 10:30

Playing with liquid crystal bubbles and Molecular wires from discotic liquid crystals

Seminář ELI Beamlines / Po, 15/12/2014 - 10:00

Laserový den na VUT v Brně

Seminář / St, 10/12/2014 - 15:00

Příběh modré emisní diody

Seminář / Út, 09/12/2014 - 13:00

Electric-Field Control of Magnetic Domain Wall Motion in Ferromagnetic-Ferroelectric Heterostructures

Seminář / Út, 09/12/2014 - 10:00

Nanochemistry at surfaces: From single molecules to complex ensembles and dynamics

Seminář / Út, 09/12/2014 - 09:30

Paradigm Shifts in High Power Laser Technology

Seminář ELI Beamlines / Čt, 04/12/2014 - 12:45

Laserový den na UTB ve Zlíně

Seminář / St, 03/12/2014 - 14:00

Three-dimensional gravity: a superb theoretical laboratory

Seminář / Po, 01/12/2014 - 10:00

Ab initio study of piezomagnetic effect in Mn-antiperovskites

Workshop / Po, 01/12/2014 - 09:00

The 25th Ad Hoc Workshop on Jana2006: Magnetic Structures

Seminář / Čt, 20/11/2014 - 10:00

Miscibility studies of liquid crystals and non-additive behaviour

Seminář / Út, 18/11/2014 - 10:00

Excess Electrons in TiO2 Anatase and Rutile: Delocalized Solutions and Localized Small Polarons

Konference / Po, 17/11/2014 - 11:00

ESS Science Symposium 2014, Future Engineering Diffraction Research in Materials Processing and Testing

Seminář / Pá, 14/11/2014 - 14:00

Growth of small organic molecules on graphene

Seminář / Út, 11/11/2014 - 10:00

New Oxide Materials for Nonlinear Optical Applications

Seminář / Po, 10/11/2014 - 15:00

Charge transfer processes in organic nano- and hetero-structures

Seminář / Čt, 30/10/2014 - 14:00

Senzory a elektronika pro upgrade pixelového detektoru v experimentu ATLAS

Seminář / Čt, 30/10/2014 - 14:00

Oxide layers on biomedical NiTi alloy – formation mechanism, mechanical stability and consequences for short- and long-term Ni-release

Konference / St, 22/10/2014 - 10:00

295. Rozhovory o aktuálních otázkách rentgenové a neutronové strukturní analýzy

Seminář / Út, 21/10/2014 - 15:00

Diffusion of a tagged particle in open single-file systems

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