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«2014 2015 2016 »
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5 Apr 14 - 1 Mar 25
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UFE and the COST MP 1204 action organized two international conferences, which were a part of the celebrations of the International Year of Light 2015. The conferences took place at UFE from April 8 - April 11, 2015.
The international conference which will focus on topics related to the implementation of semiconductor sources and detectors in the mid-infrared spectral region and their use for environmental monitoring, medical diagnostics and security applications will be held from 8th to 11th April 2015 at our institute together with the 3rd Annual Conference of COST Action MP1204.
IPE will be attending the AMPER Trade Fair 2015, where we will show the visitors not only prototypes of components for fiber lasers but also optical fibers, fiber lasers and optical sensors. Key equipment for creating, comparing and establishing the national time scale UTC (TP) will also be showcased and much more!
The year 2015 has been declared as the International Year of Light and light-based technologies at the 68th General Assembly of the UN. We will remember 12 eminent scientists of the 20th century, who had an indelible impact on the history of photonics and influenced, directly or indirectly, the activity of our institute within the 12 months of the International year of Light.
The IERS (International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service) organization announced the planned adjustment of the Coordinated Universal Time UTC by the insertion of a leap second to the last minute on 30 June 2015.
Jiří Homola was awarded the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports award for outstanding research, experimental development and innovation for the year 2014
Our Institute of Photonics and Electronics will traditionally hold Open doors day on 6th and 7th November within the framework of the Science and Technology Week project. Visitors will be able to see the latest scientific methods and their use in practice. Both the main building in Prague 8 and the detached laboratory in Lysolaje will be open.
The SPIE award for an excellent student conference contribution at the Photonics Prague 2014 conference was awarded to Jakub Cajzl, a doctoral student from our Fiber lasers and nonlinear optics team.
The participants (mainly from European countries) introduced new research results in ultra weak photon emission from biological samples.
The winners of the national competition of the student scientific conference - I am a young scientist! - presented Czech science results at the International Olympiad INESPO. And they were very successful!


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