
Academic bulletin


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Magnetic inside but not on outside


3 Feb 2014

Researchers from the Institute of Physics introduce antiferromagnetic memories
In ferromagnetic materials, information can be stored in “zeros” and “ones” defined by the orientation of magnetic moments, which can be pictured as small compasses (see Fig. 1a). This technology is behind a range of memory applications from kilobyte magnetic stripe cards to terabyte computer hard disks. It is dangerous to place a parking ticket or a hard disk next to another magnet or device generating strong magnetic fields because the magnetic moments of the memory can be unintentionally reoriented and the information lost (see Fig. 1b).

A new theory explaining the origin of hydrocarbon molecules in interstellar space


22 Jan 2014

Scientists from the Institute of Physics of the CAS, together with colleagues from Spain and France presented in the journal Nature Communications new theory of the origin of polyaromatic hydrocarbon molecules in the universe. According to the new theory, these molecules are formed by hydrogen etching of the graphitic surface of the stardust particles.

New Nikon Centre of Excellence in Super Resolution Microscopy at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic


22 Jan 2014

On Tuesday, 21st of January, 2014 Nikon Company in the cooperation with the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Science, will start operation of a new Nikon Centre of Excellence in Super Resolution Microscopy. The Super Resolution Microscopy is a revolutionary microscopic method enabling the observation of the smaller details especially in the cell biology, than it was possible until now with the conventional methods.

20 Years of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic


4 Dec 2013

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, there was a press conference in the Prague headquarters of the most important Czech scientific institution. The history of the Academy of Sciences of the CR with an emphasis its essential role in society, breakthrough moments and main developmental stages was first raised by its current president, Prof. Jiří Drahoš. It was then commemorated by his three predecessors in the leading post of the CAS – Prof. Rudolf Zahradník, Prof. Helena Illnerová and Prof. Václav Pačes.

Epigenetic diversity increases the productivity and stability of plant populations


28 Nov 2013

Humanity is dependent on natural ecosystems as sources of food, but they also provide other essential services. The preservation of biological diversity is a fundamental challenge for contemporary environmental protection. Recent research has found that intraspecific diversity plays an equally vital role in the functioning and stability of ecosystems as interspecies diversity. Intraspecific diversity was until now always attributed to phenotypic and functional diversity of individuals, secured thanks to the variability of DNA. Nevertheless, the phenotype is controlled only by the base sequence of nucleotides in the DNA, but is also controlled by epigenetic variation.

Why does the cuckoo win the battle with its host?


25 Nov 2013

New knowledge from biologists of the CAS
The Common Cuckoo is an obligatory brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nests of other bird species (hosts), and leaves them with the entire burden of raising their offspring. As a consequence of this way of life, a number of specific adaptations have arisen, to which the hosts respond with adequate counteradaptations. That leads to the emergence of a coevolutionary struggle between the two involved parties. One of the most interesting adaptations of the Common Cuckoo is the often noteworthy similarity of their eggs to the hosts’ eggs (mimicry), which increases the chance that the host does not recognise and remove them.

Czech Astronomers are the first to have captured the optical afterglow of a gamma burst


20 Nov 2013

On 30 October at 10 PM, a so-called gamma burst flared in the constellation Aquarius. It was recorded in space by the satellite Swift. Astronomers from the Group of Astrophysics of High Energies Group of the Stellar Section of the Astronomical Institute of the CAS started monitoring it only 41 seconds after the placements of the optic telescope at the observatory in Ondřejov and were so the first in the world. They are gigantic energetic flashes in the area of gamma radiation, which energy comparable with the emission of the Sun for its entire lifespan is released over a few seconds or tens of seconds. The distance of the object in space was calculated as 9 billion light years.

National Prize of Česká hlava (Czech Intellect) 2013 awarded


18 Nov 2013

Representatives of the Academy of Sciences of the CR were again successful in the prestigious scientific competition Česká hlava (Czech Intellect). The National Prize of the Government of the CR Česká hlava 2013 was obtained by the outstanding Czech historian prof. PhDr. František Šmahel, DrSc., dr.h.c. mult., from the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS - Centre of Medieval Studies. The Prize of the Company Kapsch for Invention was taken by Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc., from the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS for long-term and systematic research in the area of electron microscopy and the Prize of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR was received for his scientific work within his doctoral study programme by Mgr. Ondřej Maršálek, PhD.

Prof. H. Tlaskalova-Hogenova, CAS, key-note speaker at 7th Annual International SHARE Symposium in Denmark


6 Nov 2013

Copenhagen 6 November 2013: The 7th annual SHARE Symposium in Copenhagen, Denmark on 6 November 2013 has the pleasure of welcoming two keynote speakers. In the morning Professor Bente Finsen, University of Southern Denmark, gives a presentation on “Understanding disease mechanisms in human neurological disorders through studies of mice”, and in the afternoon Professor Helena Tlaskalova-Hogenova, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, gives a presentation about “The role of microbiota in the immune system development and chronic disease”.

Week of Science and Technology of the CAS – A festival fascinated by the world


30 Oct 2013

The largest science festival in the Czech Republic Week of Science and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the CR was ceremonially opened today at the headquarters of the CAS in Prague with the attendance of President of the CAS Prof. Jiří Drahoš and Lord Mayor of the Capital City of Prague RNDR. Tomáš Hudeček. This, already the 13th annual festival of successful scientific shows, whose popularity is still growing, bears the subtitle Fascination with the World. It is taking place on 1–15 November 2013 and its programme is filled with more than 500 events scattered all over the Czech Republic.