Saturday, 2 05 2015

Last update30.04 11:45

Czechs and Pubs

In its September survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre paid attention to restaurants, pubs and beer drinking. Therefore, we asked respondents if they sometimes went or had gone to a pub, or such a facility, which could be classified as a pub, whatever its official name was. More than three quarters of Czech citizens have gone to a pub at least sometime in their lives. Less than a fifth of respondents, according to their words, have never visited a pub. Similarly, as with other questions relating to pubs and beer drinking there were distinctive differences between men and women. A pub was at some point visited by 89 % of Czech men and 66 % of women. As to the valuation of how people go to pubs today and how they used to go before 1989, Czech society is quite disunited. Less than a fifth of respondents think that now people go to pubs more often than before 1989, approximately the same number of citizens expressed their opinion that people these days went there less often. Another two fifths of respondents believe that the situation in this respect has not changed in the CZ.


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