Peer-reviewed journal article
Hašková, Hana, Zamykalová, lenka

Mít děti? Co je to za normu? Čí je to norma?

Hašková, Hana, Zamykalová, lenka. 2006. „Mít děti? Co je to za normu? Čí je to norma?“ Biograf 13 (40-41): 3-53. ISSN 1211-5770.

The authors analyze the manner in which the ab/normality of childlessness and normativity of parenthood is established, maintained and affected. For this purpose the authors use an analysis of discourses based on sixty problem-centred interviews with childless men and women of three age categories and public internet chats between parents and the childless/childfree, focused on the topic of parenthood, childlessness and infertility in both cases.