Electrophoretic deposition through a time-varying electric field for research into new physical properties of nanostructured materials

Sponsor: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Principal investigator: Jan Lorinčík, Ph.D.

Members: Ondřej Černohorský, MSc.; Jan Grym, Ph.D.; Jan Vaniš, Ph.D.; Roman Yatskiv, Ph.D.; Jiří Zavadil, Ph.D.; Ing. Karel Žďánský, CSc.

From: 2012-01-01

To: 2015-06-30

The project focuses on the electrophoretic deposition of colloidal nanoparticles in time-varying electric fields. The main goal is to understand the mechanisms of the formation of small metal nanoparticle monolayers by electrophoretic deposition from nonpolar solvents. Fulfilment of the goal will help to enhance understanding of particle interactions and self-assembly processes at the nanoscale. Further characterization of the interface between these monolayers and semiconductor substrates will allow us to describe electrical transport phenomena occurring at this interface, including formation of a nanoscale Schottky barrier and its behavior during exposure ty hydrogen gas.




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