The objective of this sociologically-oriented project is to encourage the development of the following processes: a) implementation of binding European standards for equal opportunities policies for men and women in various spheres of social life, b) political and civil acceptance of equal opportunities policies, c) social acceptance of these policies. The core of the project is the analysis of institutional, social and civil issues related to the position of women in Czech society.
Project publications (total 61, displaying 31 - 40)
The goal of the text is to present the main characteristics of womens' position on the labor market in comparison with men in their most important aspects and on the other hand to show the reflexion of this position by women and men.
In the chapter the author examines the forms of labour flexibility (quantitative flexibility has to do with the arrangement of working hours, qualitative flexibility with quality of work and work organisation0 and their gender aspects and the impact on the harmonisation of work and family responsibilities. She shows specific forms of flexible employment with the goal of allowing harmonisation and examines the attitudes of actors involved to individual forms of labour flexibility.
The study builds on empirical data on gender roles and their changes in Czech society during last ten years. It points on gender stereotypes in the family and on the labour market prevalent in the society. It also analyses changes of gender roles during the family cycle.
The article deals with participation of fathers in contemporary czech family; attitudes of population to the family roles and with fathers taking parental leave.
Vážené čtenářky a vážení čtenáři, do rukou se vám dostává první letošní číslo bulletinu Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum. Jeho zaměření je tentokrát zejména empirické, jelikož rubrika věnovaná výsledkům výzkumu je zastoupena nejsilněji.
Childbirth, its risks and management of labor are viewed through the social constructivist lens. Manners in which differing childbirth management practices are negotiated are analyzed based on quantitative and qualitative data.
Vážené čtenářky, vážení čtenáři, letošní čtvrté číslo informačního čtvrtletníku Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum, které právě vychází, je číslem posledním, neboť výzkumný projekt, jenž jeho vydávání rámoval, končí.
The Article describes the importace of actions to promote gender equality as a strategic goal for the development of organizations and gives basic arguments. It show 4 main areas for action: hiring, professional development, Organization of work and culture of work environment.