The subject matter of the project was a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of childlessness in Czech society, focusing on involuntary childlessness as well as the choice of life without children. An emphasis was on researching life strategies, conditions and identities of childless men and women of three age categories. Childlessness was studied comprehensively, including socio-demographic analysis of the changes in the number and structure of the childless, a media analysis of childlessness, a secondary analysis of quantitative data concerning the issue of family and reproduction, and a qualitative analysis of 60 problem-centered interviews with childless men and women of three age categories.
Project publications (total 18, displaying 11 - 18)
The article informs about changing attitudes of Czech men and women towards gender roles, in particular from the perspective of international and longitudinal surveys. It has been observed that the Czech population differs in its opinions on gender roles from Western European populations that seem to be less gender-conservative in those opinions than Eastern European countries. It has been also proved that during the 1990´s Czechs´ opinions changed towards less conservative attitudes.
There has been a marked trend towards the postponement of childbearing and increased childlessness in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) since the 1990s.
The study examines the phenomenon of voluntary and involuntary childlessness, focusing in particular on its occurrence in Czech society.
Vážené čtenářky, vážení čtenáři, další číslo bulletinu Gender , rovné příležitosti, výzkum je pro Vás opět připraveno, tentokrát v podobě dvojčísla, v široké paletě odborných článků. V tomto čísle nabízíme příspěvky z velmi úspěšného panelu Rodina a gender, který proběhl letos v květnu v rámci Československých sociologických dní. Další, zejména empirické články, jsou převážně výstupy z výzkumných projektů oddělení Gender & sociologie.
The study examines the phenomenon of voluntary and involuntary childlessness, focusing in particular on its occurrence in Czech society.
The study examines the phenomenon of voluntary and involuntary childlessness, focusing in particular on its occurrence in Czech society.
The study examines the phenomenon of voluntary and involuntary childlessness, focusing in particular on its occurrence in Czech society.