Black hole accretion in Alps 2014

19 – 26 July, 2014


M. Bursa (ASCR, Prague), M. Dovciak (ASCR, Prague), J. Horak (ASCR, Prague), V. Karas (ASCR, Prague), J. Hamersky (ASCR, Prague), A. Rozanska (CAMK, Warsaw), J. Cechura (ASCR Prague), M. Zajacek (Charles Univ., Prague)

Scientific program

We will save most of time for discussions and work on subjects connected with current research projects of the group members:
  • Modelling thermal spectra of accetion disks and physics of processes involved
  • Magnetic field configurations around rotating black holes and charged particle motion
  • Turbulence in accretion flow and the role of viscosity
  • GR and accretion tori
  • PR and astronomy


Mandling, Austria