Mgr. Luděk Brož, MPhil., PhD.
e mail.
tel. +420 234612607+420 234612607
Stručný strukturovaný životopis:
2002 Mgr., Ústav Etnologie, FF UK
2003 MPhil v sociální antropologii, University of Cambridge, UK
2008 obhájení doktorátu v sociální antropologii na University of Cambridge, UK
2008-2011 postdoktorand na Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Německo
(kmenový výzkumník a spolutvůrce výzkumného designu v projektu „Conditions and Limitations of Lifestyle Plurality in Siberia“)
2012- reprezentant české republiky v The Social & Human Sciences Working Group of The International Arctic Science Committee
Pět nejvýznamnějších publikací nebo jiných výsledků VaV kandidáta za posledních deset let:
2012 ‘When Good Luck is Bad Fortune: Between too Little and too Much Hunting Success in Siberia.’ Social Analysis - The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice 56 (1-2): 73-89. with Rane Willerslev
2010 ‘Spirits, Genes and Walt Disney’s Deer: creativity in identity and archaeology disputes (Altai, Siberia)’. In The Archaeological Encounter: Anthropological Perspectives. Eds P. Fortis & I. Praet. St Andrews: CAS, pp. 263-297.
2010 ‘Spirits, Genes and Walt Disney’s Deer: creativity in identity and archaeology disputes (Altai, Siberia)’. In The Archaeological Encounter: Anthropological Perspectives. Eds P. Fortis & I. Praet. St Andrews: CAS, pp. 263-297.
2009 ‘Substance, Conduct and History: “Altaian-ness” in the 21 Century’. Sibirica: Journal of Siberian Studies 8 (2): 43-70.
2009 ‘Conversion to Religion? Negotiating Continuity and Discontinuity in Contemporary Altai’. In Conversion After Socialism: Disruptions, Modernities and the Technologies of Faith. Ed. M. Pelkmans. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 17-37.
2007 ‘Pastoral Perspectivism: A View from Altai’. Inner Asia (special issue – Perspectivism) 9 (2): 291-310.