Androgenesis in vitro

We used androgenesis in vitro to reduce ploidy level in tetraploid hybrids (L. multiflorum × F. pratensis and L. perenne × F. pratensis) and tetraploid L. multiflorum. Obtained diploids have higher potential to be used as turf breeding material.

Genome size

Estimation of genome size
Nuclear genome size was estimated by flow cytometer in:
  • diploid cultivar ‘Kolumbus’ (2n = 2x = 14) of F. pratensis
  • tetraploid cultivar ‘Patra’ (2n = 4x = 28) of F. pratensis
  • diploid cultivar ‘Prolog’ (2n = 2x = 14) of L.

Androgenesis in vitro

Androgenesis in vitro
We used androgenesis in vitro to reduce ploidy level in tetraploid hybrids (L. multiflorum × F. pratensis and L. perenne × F. pratensis) and tetraploid L. multiflorum. Obtained diploids have higher potential to be used as turf breeding material.

Chromosome pairing

Analysis of chromosome pairing and recombination

Analysis of genome composition

Analysis of genome composition in Festuca × Lolium hybrids (Festulolium)
We analyzed large set of Festulolium cultivars using GISH (genomic in situ hybridization). This method enables vizualization of parental chromatin in intergeneric (interspecific) hybrids.

GRASSES (Festuca-Lolium complex)

Grasses are among the most important and widely cultivated crops. Among them, ryegrasses (Lolium spp.) and fescues (Festuca spp.) provide high quality fodder for livestock, are used for turf and amenity purposes, and play a fundamental role in environment protection. Species from the two genera display complementary agronomic characteristics and are often grown in mixtures. Breeding efforts to combine desired features in single entities culminated with the production of Festuca × Lolium hybrids.

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